On 2008-04-09T06:43:13, Serge Dubrouski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >  Whatever principles make sense for the specific RA - according to
> >  instance attributes specified, the current role etc. The RA really knows
> >  best.
> Right, but that doesn't mean that they know user best. As I see it a
> user will have to put some addtional parameters to cib.xml to indicate
> that he wants additional monitoring for a resourse.

That's not what I meant to say, I think you might have misunderstood me.

The RA would use this mechanism to register with procd automatically and
as appropriate for the configuration of the resource.

Yes, RAs might offer some option to surpress signing in with procd, or
tailor what processes they want monitored by procd depending on the


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