On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 09:12:59AM -0700, Joe Bill wrote:
> The online Linux-HA documentation regarding "HA logging"
> appears confusing and misleading to me on several occasions,
> noticeably caused by describing the HA logging broker
> (http://www.linux-ha.org/GettingStartedV2) as some syslog-like
> logging demon in
> http://www.linux-ha.org/GettingStartedRevisedV2 and
> http://linux-ha.org/ha.cf/UseLogdDirective .
> Another source of confusion are indications in
> http://linux-ha.org/ha.cf, asserting that
> /logfile/debugfile/logfacility are ***deprecated*** while
> ha_log() in shellfuncs, ha_logd.c and cl_log.c show this is not
> the case.

I'd definitely like to see them gone. Configuring logging is
unnecessarily complex. ha_logd with syslog-ng should be the
preferable way of doing logging. Furthermore, the log files have
an unusual format which doesn't include hostname. Switching
between two different formats is a nuisance for readers.

> Perhaps it is the word "deprecated" itself that is easily
> misconstrued.  Is "deprecated" the right word to use then when,
> as in http://www.linux-ha.org/ha.cf, it is written that:
> "In case the logging daemon dies (for whatever reason), a
> warning message will be logged and all messages will be written
> to log files directly."

This is not entirely correct. It should read "directly to files
and/or directly to syslog depending on the configuration". BTW,
never seen ha_logd die.

> My understanding is that the writer described what he saw as
> the effect ("as if these options were deprecated") instead of
> describing the actual circumstances where these options have no
> effect ("these options are ignored when ..."), which is then
> left floating because of the strange absence of any
> http://linux-ha.org/logd.cf.

The documentation's lacking. However, luckily it's a wiki so
anybody can fix it ;-)

> Is it really a design goal to leave out the logfile and the
> debugfile options from future releases ?

I guess that we should discuss this. It is not easy to retire a
feature which is obviously used by many.

> Of course I understand what is described in
> http://www.linux-ha.org/GettingStartedV2 :
> "Choice of Logging Package It is recommended that syslog-ng be
> used for logging in preference to syslog. Given the
> capabilities of Heartbeat version 2 and the increased cluster
> sizes, one can expect an increased volume of logging to occur.
> It has been the experience of the development team that syslog
> loses log messages more frequently than syslog-ng."
> The question is "Is log-to-disk really strongly discouraged and
> unwanted by the developpers because they intent to make
> log-to-disk disappear very soon ?" 

I can't recall any discussion about it, perhaps there was some

> Or "Is log-to-disk just a performance limited alternative to
> use_logd, and it is up to the user to decide whether he wants
> to use it or not ? In which case the logfile/debugfile options
> are far from being deprecated and the documentation needs to be
> corrected.

Since v2 is way more demanding, i.e. much more verbose than v1,
I'd definitely recommend using ha_logd. ha_logd may write to
files, but again I'd prefer syslog-ng.

> Or  but is sll ok to 




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