On Tue, Jul 06, 2010 at 06:36:14PM +0200, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> Hi Yuusuke-san,
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 08:00:18PM +0900, Yuusuke IIDA wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > For anything RA, I revised it with some function addition.
> > 
> > The list of the change is as follows.
> >  * I added the option which could choose whether you used a login shell to 
> > want
> > to let a command inherit an environment variable of Resource Agent.
> OK, I assume that this may be useful at times. Though I'm not
> very happy with the new parameter name, I couldn't come up with
> another one. The big difference is, I guess, that the .profile
> files are sourced. Perhaps to name it just "login_shell"?

the difference is that su - user clears the environment first
(and then re-populates it from where that user usually gets his environment),
su user (no dash) does not clear, but inherit the current environment.

> >  * I revised it to handle an escape character in character string set by
> > cmdline_options such as follows adequately.
> >   --- for example: ---
> >     primitive AAAAA ocf:heartbeat:anything \
> >       params \
> >         binfile="XXXXX" \
> >         cmdline_options="-V -c \"openssl des-ede3 -d -base64 -k 'yy y'\" 
> > -i" \
> >   --- ---
> Uh, this escaping gives me headache.

should this not be much easier by doing
- cmd="su -c \"$variables\""
+ cmd="su -c '$variables'"
no escaping by sed necessary,
except maybe (if you are paranoid)
escaping of ' itself:
sed -e "s/'/'\\\\''/"

As long as we do cmd="su -c \"$variable\"", it is not sufficient to
escape \ (as the proposed patch by Yuusuke-san does), actually you'd
need to escape ` and $ and various other things as well.
Unless you  consider it a feature that these would be
expanded already in the context of the eval running as root,
not in the context of the su $user nohup.
Which is (as it is now) a potential "root exploit",
once you start taking "cib admin != cluster root" serious.
which is not really sensible to do IMO, anyways. But I digres.

Hm. Maybe we should move the eval into that context, anyways?
sort of
 cmd="eval '${supposedly_properly_escaped_variable}'"
 su ... -c "$cmd" ?

But, for the record:

> The line says:
> +cmdline_options=`... | sed 's/\\\/\\\\\\\/g' | ...`
> How does the left side expand? Shouldn't that be an even number
> of backslashes? The right side also has 7 backslashes.

the first "stripping" of \ is done by the shell,
before feeding the whole thing to the `` subshell.
And the \ quoting within `` is subtle:
        backslash retains its literal meaning except when followed by $, `, or \
so those \/ combinations could have been written as \\/ as well
(if only to reduce the headache of the reader, slightly)
but need not be.  BTW, that is one of the differences between `` and $() ...
yep, its not pretty, but "correct", though not necessarily consistent
between various shells and versions :(

god, I hate it when I know these useless facts from the top of my head,
I wish I had done less shell coding ;-)

> >  * Strip off the trailing clone marker.
> >   - quotations from the following.
> > http://hg.clusterlabs.org/pacemaker/stable-1.0/file/94515b3503b5/extra/resources/Dummy#l143
> OK.
> Can you please split the patch in three parts, so that we have
> unrelated changes in signel patches.

Yes, please ;-)

: Lars Ellenberg
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