On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 05:18:10PM +0200, Holger Teutsch wrote:
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Dejan Muhamedagic <deja...@fastmail.fm>
> Gesendet: Sep 16, 2010 4:30:37 PM
> An: High-Availability Linux Development List <linux-ha-dev@lists.linux-ha.org>
> Betreff: Re: [Linux-ha-dev] Patch for db2 Resource agent
> >Hi,
> >
> >On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 03:32:43PM +0200, Holger Teutsch wrote:
> >> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> >> 
> >> >On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 10:07:49AM +0200, Holger Teutsch wrote:
> >> >> Hi,
> >> >> find attached a patch for the db2 resource agent
> >> >> - holger
> >> >> 
> >> >> High: Replace call to db2_local_ps with db2nps (Thanx to Evgeny 
> >> >> Nifontov)
> >> >> 
> >> >> db2nodes.cfg typically contains a cluster service address and
> >> >> db2_local_ps never works
> >> >> in this case.
> >> >
> >> >Is there any documentation or source to support this? Looking at
> >> >the source, db2_local_ps should recover the right node number
> >> >from db2nodes.cfg in case that file exists, then invoke db2nps
> >> >with that node number. If it doesn't work, then it is a bug in
> >> >db2_local_ps.
> >> >
> >> >Cheers,
> >> >
> >> >Dejan
> >> 
> >> Dejan,
> >> the background is:
> >> 
> >> db2nodes.cfg maps "partition numbers" to "node names"
> >> Normally this is the physical hostname.
> >> 
> >> Most db2 utilities (e.g. db2start etc) map the node number to the "node 
> >> name".
> >> If "node name" == "uname -n" call locally, else invoke the
> >> command on the remote host via rsh or something you set via
> >> 
> >> db2set DB2RSHCMD=xxx
> >> .
> >> 
> >> On a cluster the file ~/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg is on a shared FS.
> >> 
> >> If this file contains a physical hostname this will definitely be wrong 
> >> after a resource migration.
> >> 
> >> Therefore per best practice (IBM Redbooks etc.) you put the DNS
> >> name of the cluster service into db2nodes.cfg.
> >> 
> >> You then have to take care that the instance owner has rsh access to 
> >> itself via the service address.
> >> Else you can map  DB2RSHCMD to a script like
> >> 
> >> ---
> >> #!/bin/sh
> >> #
> >> # Emulate inter partition call for ACC by simply do it locally
> >> # Install with
> >> #
> >> #   db2set DB2RSHCMD=$INSTHOME/db2_acc_rsh
> >> #
> >> # HT Dec 2007
> >> 
> >> # Is called rsh like as
> >> # c36db.hg.fresenius.de -n -l db2c36 ARGS
> >> 
> >> # remove 4 first args
> >> shift
> >> shift
> >> shift
> >> shift
> >> eval "$@"
> >> ----
> >> 
> >> Other methods for working with db2nodes.cfg are
> >> - make links to node local files (problems with permissions)
> >> - edit db2nodes.cfg with the resource agent prior to an (something a IBM 
> >> povide lib does/tries)
> >> 
> >> You see we are veterans with 100+ db2 databases. 8-) or 8-(
> >> 
> >> I agree that the logic of db2_local_ps is to simple to deal with this 
> >> setup.
> >> On the other hand I'm not confident that IBM will implement a 
> >> comprehensive way to detect "locality" for a general multi partition setup.
> >> This would require checking IP interfaces etc...
> >> 
> >> I checked that db2nps works on DB2 8.2, 9.5 and 9.7.
> >> 
> >> Any concerns let me know.
> >
> >My only concern is that 0 may not be the right node number for
> >the local node. On failover or failback or whenever. That's why
> >I'd expect db2_local_ps to be the right way to go. Of course, I
> >do understand that things don't always work as advertised and in
> >particular with products such as db2 :) At any rate, if you're
> >sure that "db2nps 0" is always going to refer to the local node,
> >then we can go ahead with this change.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Dejan
> >
> Dejan,
> in a single partition database the single partition is always "0".
> db2nps NN   looks on the *local* node for processes of partition "NN"
> i.e. db2nps 0 does the required work.
> So I think that's OK.

Fine. I pushed the patch. Many thanks for the contribution and
taking time to explain this.



> Regards
> Holger
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