
I'm neither sure if this is the right place to post this, nor if I'm
doing it right this way, nor even if not maybe somebody else allready
mentioned it... but:
While "ERROR"-grep'ing my log, i found the MySQL-RA (shipped with
SLES11SP1, kept up-to-date) throwing a message like this with every
single call of the monitor action:

> Sep 23 15:19:16 nde35 lrmd: [2843]: info: RA output:
(mysql:monitor:stderr) ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user
'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

Actually that error isn't even wrong, because we also set a password in
MySQL for r...@localhost; a not too uncommon scenario, I'd guess, so
that's why I'm writing this post.

On tracking it down, I found these lines in the MySQL-RA:
>MYSQL_OPTIONS_LOCAL="-S $OCF_RESKEY_socket --connect_timeout=1"
>is_slave() {
>    [...]
>    [...]
>    $MYSQL $mysql_options \
>        -e 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G' > $tmpfile
>    [...]
And from the debug-code I temporarily scripted in, I saw that the
mysql_options-string ended with "--user= --password=", which is
overriding any user/password eventually set earlier (not in/around
is_slave() anyway).

Having had a look onto a 2nd cluster we're running that isn't up-to-date
with the latest patches, I also noticed that this syslog-error-spam was
seemingly introduced only with the latest officially updated MySQL-RA
for SLES11-HAE-SP1.

Anyway, here's the diff of the changes I - for now - made to the
MySQL-RA running in our cluster (trying to keep the changes small;
therefor i.e. didn't introduce a new user/pw-combo for this):
> [ "$OCF_RESKEY_test_user" ] &&
> [ "$OCF_RESKEY_test_passwd" ] &&
> [ ! "$OCF_RESKEY_replication_user" -a !
"$OCF_RESKEY_replication_passwd" ] && MYSQL_OPTIONS_REPL=""
<       ocf_log err "Config $OCF_RESKEY_config doesn't exist";
>       ocf_is_probe || ocf_log err "Config $OCF_RESKEY_config doesn't

Cnut Jansen
> [ "$OCF_RESKEY_test_user" ] && MYSQL_OPTIONS_LOCAL="$MYSQL_OPTIONS_LOCAL --user=$OCF_RESKEY_test_user"
> [ "$OCF_RESKEY_test_passwd" ] && MYSQL_OPTIONS_LOCAL="$MYSQL_OPTIONS_LOCAL --password=$OCF_RESKEY_test_passwd"
> [ ! "$OCF_RESKEY_replication_user" -a ! "$OCF_RESKEY_replication_passwd" ] && MYSQL_OPTIONS_REPL=""
< 	ocf_log err "Config $OCF_RESKEY_config doesn't exist";
> 	ocf_is_probe || ocf_log err "Config $OCF_RESKEY_config doesn't exist"

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