On Tue, Oct 05, 2010 at 04:03:47PM +0200, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> > So it is run periodically by root (well, the lrmd, as root).
> > Even though the cwd of lrmd should be ok, permission wise, in case the
> > script does cd into somewhere (I don't think it does, now) where someone
> > with lesser privilege was able to place some evil *.so, the next command
> > executed by the script may do interesting things.
> I really doubt that, though it looks dangerous, there is a way to
> exploit this without root access.

You never know.
The script itself may not, but it starts something else,
which may cd somewhere else, then fork/exec.

> > Simply doing
> > #remove it, if present.
> > #remove possible remaining leading :
> > #prepend it
> > #remove possible trailing :
> Hmm, this smells like bashisms, are they?

No, I don't think so.  But they are not strictly correct,
if $D is only a prefix of the first component of $L...

Let's see, how about this (using dash as my
"reference most stupid shell readily available"):

prepend_unless_member() {
        local l d
        l=$1 d=$2;
        case $l in
                # already member
                # empty, don't add a separator
                # prepend
        echo "prepend '$d' to '$1' unless member results in $l";

for l in "" $dir $dir:bla:foo bla:$dir:foo bla:foo:$dir bla bla:foo; do
        prepend_unless_member "$l" "$dir"

results in:
prepend 'TRY' to '' unless member results in TRY
prepend 'TRY' to 'TRY' unless member results in TRY
prepend 'TRY' to 'TRY:bla:foo' unless member results in TRY:bla:foo
prepend 'TRY' to 'bla:TRY:foo' unless member results in bla:TRY:foo
prepend 'TRY' to 'bla:foo:TRY' unless member results in bla:foo:TRY
prepend 'TRY' to 'bla' unless member results in TRY:bla
prepend 'TRY' to 'bla:foo' unless member results in TRY:bla:foo

looks good to me.

If it is required that $d has to become the first component, not be
directly duplicated, but possibly repeated in a later component, then
-       "$d"|"$d":*|*:"$d"|*:"$d":*)
+       "$d"|"$d":*)

: Lars Ellenberg
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