On 25.10.2010 03:10, Marek Marczykowski wrote:
> On 19.08.2010 21:34, Florian Haas wrote:
>> Marek,
>> I've finally found time to look into this. Sorry about the delay. So to
>> recap, based on the patches list in
>> http://marmarek.w.staszic.waw.pl/patches/ha-mysql-ra/,
> I've also troubles to find some free time :/
>> 05 has gone in but I think it ought to be reverted and replaced with a
>> change in functionality, not documentation. Why not check whether the
>> resource is configured as a M/S, and if yes, actually _start_ mysqld
>> with --skip-slave-start rather than expecting the user to add this to
>> the config?
> Fixed, new patches attached and also on website. I also think on passing
> --read_only option instead of starting in read-write mode and setting
> read_only right after start (when in M/S of course). What do you think?
>> 06 has not gone in, but I'm generally OK with it. But, please, "START
>> SLAVE", not "SLAVE START". And on a different style note, no reason for
>> trailing semicolons after ocf_log and return.
> Fixed.
>> 08 has not gone in. It's nice but I hate the way it's implemented with a
>> state file. Why not use crm_attribute and stick transient attributes
>> onto nodes? If we could get that patch rewritten to use transient node
>> attributes I'd like to see this go in. But here too: "STOP SLAVE"
>> please, not "SLAVE STOP".
> Changed. I've used persistent node attributes to keep replication state
> even on reboot.
>> 09: not in, comments on 06 and 05 apply here too.
> Fixed (this semicolons was from patch 06...).
> I've made some new patches:
> 10_mysql-ra-monitor-ms-get-ro-state.patch: In monitor action, check if
> this instance is running as master based on read_only mysql variable.
> It's better than CRM variables because represent "real" state, not the
> desirable one.
> 11_mysql-ra-use-monitor-to-check-start.patch: Call detailed
> (OCF_CHECK_LEVEL=10) monitor action to check if mysql is really working
> (in start action). It helps when database is broken (and automatic
> recovery failed) - then do not try to restart it - fail immediately.

I've written some additional patches (mostly changes in my previous code):
12_mysql-ra-replication-fail-code.patch: fix error code indicating
failed replication

13_mysql-ra-repl-info-loglevel.patch: log replication state with 'info'
loglevel instead of 'debug'

14_mysql-ra-repl-state-forget-after-start-slave.patch: forget
replication slave only on START SLAVE, not just CHANGE MASTER TO

15_mysql-ra-replication-state-for-more-than-two-nodes.patch: store
replication state in separate attributes for each master (>2 node support)

Everything on web: http://marmarek.w.staszic.waw.pl/patches/ha-mysql-ra/

Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski          |   gg:2873965      | RLU #390519
marmarek at staszic waw pl  | xmpp:marmarek at staszic waw pl

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