> To follow up it appears that lrmd is aborting with the same error
> message after executing both "crm configure verify" AND "lrmadmin -C"
> Strace yields the following:
> lrmd: [336]: debug: on_receive_cmd: the IPC to client [pid:342] 
> disconnected.\n
> \nGThread-ERROR **: Trying to recursively lock a mutex at 'unknown',
> previously locked at 'unknown'\naborting...\n"
> >From the client's perspective lrmadmin never sees this as the daemon is
> respawned (by crmd I presume) before you can manually execute the command 
> again.
> "crm configure verify" calls lrmadmin in a tight loop as it iterates over
> cluster resources and so catches lrmd before it restarted and reports "not
> running".
> Looks like the g_thread_init() on its own isnt sufficient...
But this is what Senko's patch (2444.diff) fixes - so with that added it cures
the abort in both situations above. Now time to look at his potential ref leak.


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