
i today stumbled across a problem in the external/rackpdu stonith

my outlets are named:

> iso. = STRING: "Outlet 1 XL"
> iso. = STRING: "b"
> iso. = STRING: "m"
> iso. = STRING: "Outlet 17 XL"
> iso. = STRING: "kxxxxxx xx - vienna1"
> iso. = STRING: "l.i.a"
> iso. = STRING: "w2"
> iso. = STRING: "k"
> iso. = STRING: "i"

rackpdu tries to get the names via snmp and then cycles each array
to check which outlet to shoot:

> local names=`echo "$snmp_result" | cut -f2 -d'"' | tr ' ' '_' | tr '\012' ' '`

basically, this command cuts the string between the two "", replaces
whitespaces with _ and replaces.

i get the following error:
> # stonith -t external/rackpdu hostlist="w2" pduip=pdu.ipax.at community=abc 
> -T reset w2
> local: 280: kxxxxxx_xx_-_vienna1: bad variable name
> external/rackpdu[30287]: ERROR: Outlet number not found for node w2. Result: 
> iso. = STRING:
> ...
> ...

all in all, i found two problematic lines in my setup which both
generate such an error.
>> iso. = STRING: "kxxxxxx xx - vienna1"
>> iso. = STRING: "l.i.a"

rackpdu uses /bin/sh (which is dash on debian squeeze).
changing /bin/sh to /bin/bash solves this issue.

upon investigation, i found

i changed the offending line:
-local names=`echo "$snmp_result" | cut -f2 -d'"' | tr ' ' '_' | tr
'\012' ' '`
+local names="`echo \"$snmp_result\" | cut -f2 -d'\"' | tr ' ' '_' | tr
'\012' ' '`"

this solves the issue for dash. please find sample scripts attached.

is there any better way to solve this issue?

DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.          email.          r.bha...@ipax.at
Technischer Leiter

IPAX - Aloy Bhatia Hava OG          web.          http://www.ipax.at
Barawitzkagasse 10/2/2/11           email.            off...@ipax.at
1190 Wien                           tel.               +43 1 3670030
FN 277995t HG Wien                  fax.            +43 1 3670030 15

Attachment: local_works.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: local_error.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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