>> Sorry, I got the wrong idea about restoring data.
>> To start as hot-standby needs restoring anytime,
>> because Time-line ID of PostgreSQL is incremented.
>> In addition, shutting down the PostgreSQL with "immediate" option causes
>> inconsistent WAL  between primary and hot-standby.
>> So I think it's difficult to start slave automatically at demote.
>> Still, do you think it's better to implement restoring ?
> I'm afraid it's not just better, but it's a must. We have to play by
> Pacemaker's rules and that means that we have to properly implement
> "demote" operation and that's switching from Master to Slave, not just
> stopping Master. I do appreciate your efforts, but implementation has
> to conform to Pacemaker standards, i.e. Master has to start where it's
> configured in Pacemaker, not just where recovery.conf file exists.
> Administrator has to be able to easily switch between node roles and
> so on.
> I still need some more time to learn PostgreSQL data replication and
> do some tests. Let's think if that's possible to implement real
> Master/Slave in Pacemaker sense of things.

Thank you for considering my proposal.
I'll try to think another approach.

Takatoshi MATSUO
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