
On Mon, Apr 04, 2011 at 09:23:17PM +0200, Lars Ellenberg wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 03, 2011 at 10:15:50AM +0200, Nhan Ngo Dinh wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > Please find the attached plugin.
> > 
> > It requires vSphere SDK for Perl:
> > http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/viperltoolkit/
> > 
> > Parameters:
> > 
> > hostlist (e.g. hostname1=VMNAME;hostname2=VMNAME2), ip (vCenter IP),
> > username, password
> > 
> > Tested with 4.1
> I don't know too much about vCenter, I'll assume that the interactions
> with it are "correct", whatever that means.
> But I know my share of perl and pacemaker.
> So here are a few comments.
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > #
> > # External STONITH module for VMWare vCenter
> > #
> > # Author:  Nhan Ngo Dinh
> > # License:      GNU General Public License (GPL)
> > #
> > 
> > use strict;
> > use warnings;
> > use Switch;
> I don't like that Switch.pm thingy ;-)
> But never mind...
> > use VMware::VIRuntime;
> > 
> > my $command = $ARGV[0];
> > my $targetHost;
> > if ( defined $ARGV[1] ) {
> >     $targetHost = $ARGV[1];
> > }
> This end result of this is still the same as just writing
>   my $targetHost = $ARGV[1];
> > if (defined($ENV{'ip'})) {
> If you mean to test for existence of hash elements, please always use
> "exists". The above will create an empty but from now on exported 'ip'
> variable into to environment.
> You likely want to say
> if (exists $ENV{ip}) {
> (and yes, you can give it more line noise,
> if you feel more comfortable that way)
> If you actually want to say "if defined",
> then you could also just do away with the if,
> and assign directly.
> >   $ENV{'VI_PORTNUMBER'} = 443;
> >   $ENV{'VI_PROTOCOL'} = "https";
> >   $ENV{'VI_SERVER'} = $ENV{'ip'};
> Why would you only override VI_PORTNUMBER and VI_PROTOCOL
> if the ip is defined?
> Why would you want to have your own "ip" environment,
> and not expose VI_SERVER directly?
> > }
> > 
> > if (defined($ENV{'username'})) {
> >   $ENV{'VI_USERNAME'} = $ENV{'username'};
> >   $ENV{'VI_PASSWORD'} = $ENV{'password'};
> >   Opts::parse();
> >   Opts::validate();
> > } else {
> >   Opts::parse();
> No validate here? Why not?
> > }
> I suppose the Opts::validate() is supposed to throw an error (aka die()),
> if there is insufficient information to contact the management entity?
> If so, please document that.
> Probably you want to catch that via eval {},
> and log the error message with some context information
> about where it comes from, before propagating the error.
> > 
> > my $ret = 255;
> > my $hosts = {};
> > my $realTarget;
> > 
> > if ( defined $ENV{'hostlist'} ) {
> >     my @lines;
> >     my $line;
> >     @lines = split(/;/, $ENV{'hostlist'});
> >         foreach $line (@lines) {
> >             my @config = split(/=/, $line);
> >             $hosts->{$config[0]} = $config[1];
> >         }
> >     if (defined $targetHost) { $realTarget = $hosts->{$targetHost}; }
> > }
> Please add a comment what this is supposed to do, and why.
> Not what it does, that's clear ;-)
> Also: clearly document that no whitespace is allowed, nowhere,
> and hostname=VMNAME; is a hard requirement, even if hostname and VMNAME
> should match.
> Or change the code to allow that special case to be written as just
> "hostname;" in the hostlist.
> Since you later do the reverse mapping in nested loops,
> how about constructing both forward and backward mapping hashes here?
> %host_to_vm = ();
> %vm_to_host = ();
> ...
> > sub getvms {
> >     Util::connect();
> >     my $regex = "";
> >     for (keys %$hosts) {
> >             if (length($regex) > 0) { $regex .= "|"; }
> >             $regex .= $hosts->{$_};
> >     }
> >         my $vms = Vim::find_entity_views(view_type => "VirtualMachine", 
> > filter => { 'name' => qr/^($regex)/ });
> I'm not sure if you really mean what you wrote there.
> My guess would be that you actually meant to say
> my $regex = join "|" map { qr/\Q$_\E/ } values %$hosts;
> my $vms = Vim::find_entity_views(view_type => "VirtualMachine", filter => { 
> 'name' => qr/^($regex)$/i });
> What's the difference?
> So it is written differently.
> So what. You can also write that as a for (keys ...) {} no problem.
> Then, it does a case insensitive match (I'm not sure, but I assume
> VMNAME is supposed to be matched case insensitive?)
> It does not omit the trailing $,
> so VMNAM would not match both VMNAM and VMNAME ;-)
> Most importantly, it \Q-ot-\E-s the VMNAMEs, so VM.NA.ME won't match
> VMxNAyME, but only VM.NA.ME.
> >     Util::disconnect();
> >     return $vms;
> > }
> > 
> > switch ($command) {
> >     case "reset" {
> Bah. Did I mention that I dislike switch statements in Perl?
> Ah, never you mind ;)
> >             Util::connect();
> >             my $vm = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => "VirtualMachine", 
> > filter => { name => $realTarget });
> Unless this filter thing has a special mode where it internally does a
> "$x eq $y" for scalars and "$x =~ $y" for explicitly designated qr//
> Regexp objects, I'd suggest to here also do
>       filter => { name => qr/^\Q$realTarget\E$/i }
> >             my $hostname = Vim::get_view(mo_ref => 
> > $vm->{"runtime"}->{"host"})->name;
> What is the hostname used for, now?
> >             $vm->ResetVM();
> Hm. Apparently the filter thingy did something different,
> the return value seems to be a reference to some "manageable" VM object,
> previously it was supposed to be a reference to an array of such objects?
> >             Util::disconnect();
> Do the Util::connect(), disconnect() once, not within each case.

There's otherwise a lot of code repetition for the on, off, and
reset cases.

Did you check that doing a reset on a VM which is off does the
right thing, i.e. turns the VM on? Also, if doing off on a VM
which is off doesn't exit with error.

> I suggest doing
> Util::connect();
> eval {
>       ...
> }
> if ($@) {
>       my $error = $@;
>       log the error in a suitable way
>       ....
>       $ret = 1; # or 255, or 42 or whatever feels "right".
> } else {
>       $ret = 0;
> }
> Util::disconnect();
> >             $ret = 0;
> >     }
> > 
> >     case "off" {
> >             Util::connect();
> >             my $vm = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => "VirtualMachine", 
> > filter => { name => $realTarget });
> >             my $hostname = Vim::get_view(mo_ref => 
> > $vm->{"runtime"}->{"host"})->name;
> Again, useless (?) use of $hostname.
> >             $vm->PowerOffVM();
> >             Util::disconnect();
> >             $ret = 0;
> >     }
> > 
> >     case "on" {
> >             Util::connect();
> >             my $vm = Vim::find_entity_view(view_type => "VirtualMachine", 
> > filter => { name => $realTarget });
> >             my $hostname = Vim::get_view(mo_ref => 
> > $vm->{"runtime"}->{"host"})->name;
> >             $vm->PowerOnVM();
> >             Util::disconnect();
> >             $ret = 0;
> >     }
> > 
> >     case "gethosts" {
> >             my $vms = getvms();
> >             foreach my $vm (@$vms) {
> >                     while (my ($k, $v) = each %$hosts) {
> >                             if ($vm->name eq $v) {
> >                                     print $k . "\n";
> >                             }
> >                     }
> >             }
>       I'd always write "$k\n" instead of $k . "\n";
>       I'd use the previously created vm_to_host hash.
>       So that would become
>       foreach my $vm (@$vms) { print "$vm_to_host{$vm->name}\n" };
> >             $ret = 0;
> >     }
> > 
> >     case "status" {
> >             $ret = system("ping -c1 $ENV{'ip'}");
> >             #Util::connect();
> >             #Util::disconnect();
> >             #$ret = 0;
> Hm.
> You I'd like some sort of "no-op" that actually excercises the
> connection to the "VM manager" level, instead of pinging some ip,
> which may even be misspelled accidentally ( instead of
> ;-)
> So rather actually do an Util::connect(), so something with the Vim::
> blahfoo (e.g. chose a random hostname from the hostlist, and query it's
> vms "power" status)

A good idea.

> >     }
> > 
> >     case "getconfignames" {
> >             print "hostlist\nip\nusername\npassword\n";
> >             $ret = 0;
> >     }
> > 
> >     case "getinfo-devid" {
> >             print "VMware vCenter STONITH device\n";
> >             $ret = 0;
> >     }
> > 
> >     case "getinfo-devname" {
> >             print "VMware vCenter STONITH device\n";
> >             $ret = 0;
> >     }
> > 
> >     case "getinfo-devdescr" {
> >             print "VMWare vCenter STONITH device\n";
> >             $ret = 0;
> >     }
> > 
> >     case "getinfo-devurl" {
> >             print "http://www.vmware.com/\n";;
> >             $ret = 0;
> >     }
> > 
> >     case "getinfo-xml" {
> >             print "<parameters>
> > <parameter name=\"hostlist\" unique=\"1\">
> Did you know:
> print q{blafoo <lala/> x="unquoted double quotes" possible here.};
> (mind the difference between q{} and qq{};
> also, there are "HERE" documents in perl as well...)
> If there are two ways to express something,
> I tend to use the one with less line noise,
> so I'd try to avoid all those \"\"
> (btw, I did not validate the xml).
>               print q{<parameters>
> <parameter name="hostlist" unique="1">
>       Is it unique?  Why?
>       I think it would be legit to be able to stonith the same hosts
>       from more than one instance of stonith plugins.
> <content type="string"/>
> <shortdesc lang="en">hostlist</shortdesc>
> <longdesc lang="en">
> The list of hosts that the VMware vCenter STONITH device controls.
> Format is "hostname1=VirtualMachineName1;hostname2=VirtualMachineName2"
>       No whitespace allowed.
>       hostname is supposed to be "uname -n", which is what is passed
>       in as STONITH victim on the command line.
>       [if I understood correctly]
> </longdesc>
> </parameter>
> <parameter name="ip" unique="1">
> Again, why would that be unique?
> Same for parameters below.
> <content type="string"/>
> <shortdesc lang="en">ip</shortdesc>
> <longdesc lang="en">
> The VMware vCenter IP address
> </longdesc>
> </parameter>
> <parameter name="username" unique="1">
> <content type="string"/>
> <shortdesc lang="en">username</shortdesc>
> <longdesc lang="en">
> The username to access VMware vCenter
> </longdesc>
> </parameter>
> <parameter name="password" unique="1">
> <content type="string"/>
> <shortdesc lang="en">password</shortdesc>
> <longdesc lang="en">
> The password to access VMware vCenter
>       You probably want to mention that it would be a good idea to
>       secure all pacemaker communication paths against the potential
>       of sniffing, and lock down the permissions on any location that
>       could end up containing copies of the cib in either xml or plain
>       text, or risk funny DoS attacks ;-)
>       Then again, may that is obvious.
>       That's a problem for all STONITH devices, though, unless they
>       somehow stored their credentials somewhere else.
>       I think there is some bugzilla on that issue (protecting
>       sensitive information in the cib from appearing in logs,
>       or rather keep them out of the cib completely).
>       Dejan?

Yes, there is going to be a way to move parts of CIB to local

> </longdesc>
> </parameter>
> </parameters>
> };
> >             $ret = 0;
> >     }
> > 
> >     else {
> >             $ret = 1;
> >     }
> > 
> > }
> > 
> > exit($ret);
> Enough for today.
> Thank you for this contribution.
> If we now can have a few other "Reviewed-by:" or "Tested-by:" signatures,
> that would be great.

The latter in particular :)



> -- 
> : Lars Ellenberg
> : LINBIT | Your Way to High Availability
> : DRBD/HA support and consulting http://www.linbit.com
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