Greetings Everyone!

In a couple weeks from today, the Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) will be
kicking in. UDS's, are the events on which discussion happens towards the
next Ubuntu Release in various aspects, such as Server, Desktop,
Foundations, etc. In this case, the UDS will be held in Budapest, Hungary
between 9-13 of May, towards Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot, due in October

As it has become a custom from past UDS', this time we will also have a
session for the Cluster Stack. This session will have as primary objective
the discussion of the adaption of Pacemaker 1.1.X and related software as a
technology preview for what's yet to come, and in preparation for the next
Ubuntu release 12.04, which is a Long Term Support release, or discuss the
upgrade-path options to partially upgrade some components while leaving
others (i.e. fence-agents, resource-agents). Additionally, we also discuss
some other features of things we would like to see for the Cluster Stack in
Ubuntu, as well as spread is adoption, improve documentation, etc.

UDS' are open-to-public events, and I believe it would be great if upstream
could participate and maybe even further the discussion about the Cluster
Stack. For more information about UDS, please visit [1]. The specific
date/time for the Cluster Stack session is not yet available.

If you require any further information please don't hesitate to contact me.


Andres Rodriguez (RoAkSoAx)
Ubuntu Server Developer
Systems Engineer
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