On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 2:02 PM, Florian Haas <florian.h...@linbit.com>wrote:

> On 2011-07-14 08:46, RNZ wrote:
> > No, I want and I need - multi-master scheme (more then two nodes)...
> There is nothing in Pacemaker's master/slave scheme that restricts you
> to a single master. The ocf:linbit:drbd resource agent, for example, is
> configurable in dual-Master mode.
> Once the resource agent properly implements the functionality (the hard
> part), configuring a multi-master master/slave set is simply a question
> of setting the master-max meta parameter to a value greater than 1 (the
> easy part).
I don't think so... Couchdb RESTful API very easy allow running repliacate
by next scheme:
primitive cdb0
    hostA: hostB:dbB > localhost:dbB
    hostA: hostC:dbC > localhost:dbC
    hostA: hostD:dbD > localhost:dbD
primitive cdb1
    hostB: hostA:dbB > localhost:dbB
primitive cdb2
    hostC: hostA:dbC > localhost:dbC

In this scheme hostA used as master for hostB and hostC (master-master) and
as slave for hostD (slave-master). Both (master-master and slave-master for
different servers/databases) scheme per one instance.

> By the way, is there any specific reason you are contributing under a
> pseudonym? It's highly unusual in this community to do so.

Sorry, habit... My real name Alibek.Amaev, alibek.am...@gmail.com or
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