
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 10:27:36AM +0100, Florian Haas wrote:
> On 2011-11-09 12:02, Martin Gerhard Loschwitz wrote:
> > Hello everybody,
> > 
> > I wrote an asterisk OCF resource agent which I am hereby putting up
> > for discussion. Any feedback is welcome.
> > 
> > It's available from
> > https://github.com/fghaas/resource-agents/blob/master/heartbeat/asterisk
> Let's move this thread to the -dev list where it really belongs.
> FWIW, I consider this RA in pretty good shape -- I did review it rather
> thoroughly and sent a few patches, for which Martin was kind enough to
> include me, undeservingly, in the authors list. Feedback from others
> would still be very much appreciated (even if it's just a "+1 for
> merge"). Thanks!

Just a few remarks:

Ending commands with ';' is not necessary:

        return $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED;

i.e. ';' serves as a command separator. (:%s/;$//)

This construct looks a bit unusual:

    if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then

More direct would be:

    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

Is this necessary (in asterisk_status):

        if [ -d /proc -a -d /proc/1 ]; then
                [ "u$pid" != "u" -a -d /proc/$pid ]
                ocf_run kill -s 0 $pid

Why not just:

        kill -s 0 $pid

Line 273 in monitor is going to produce a lot of logging, better
reduce severity to debug:

        ocf_log info "Asterisk PBX monitor succeeded";

In asterisk_start() $ASTRUNDIR is first created using install(8),
then again checked in lines 292-296 and created using mkdir,
chown, etc. Superfluous.

Start may exit with some arbitrary error code (line 324 in

Perhaps to move all local statements to the top of the function
in asterisk_start().

[nitpicking] start_wait is not needed, why not just

        [ $rc -eq $OCF_SUCCESS ] && break

Should check content of $pid before line 377 in stop.

Thanks for great work!



> Cheers,
> Florian
> -- 
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