Hello Ikeda-san!

On 2011-11-11 09:22, Junko IKEDA wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running MySQL replication setting with 2 nodes Master/Slave 
> configuration.
> If Slave status(secs_behind) is lager than Master's parameter(max_slave_lag),
> Slave data is outdated, right?


> check_slave() in mysql RA would run "crm_master -v 0" in this
> situation to mark Slave as "outdated",
> but if Master is shut down in this status,
> Slave will be able to promote instead of its old data.
> (is this correct?)

Actually, not quite. :)

Andrew will correct me if I'm wrong on this. But as I understand it,

- while a _placement score_ of 0 makes a node eligible for _running_ a
resource (including an instance of a master/slave set),
- only a _promotion score_ or greater than 0 (i.e. a minimum of 1) makes
the node eligible for promoting a resource to the Master role.

So, if a node has a promotion score of 0, then it will node be promoted.
However, your point is entirely valid if you also set a master
preference via a location constraint on the master role. Consider this:

node alice
  attributes standby="on"
node bob
  attributes standby="off"

primitive p_mysql ocf:heartbeat:mysql
ms ms_myql p_mysql

location l_master_prefers_bob ms_mysql \
  rule 200: $role=Master #uname eq bob

In that case, if bob has fallen too far behind (automatic master score:
0), then the location rule still increases that score by 200, so the
total promotion score for bob is 0 + 200 == 200, and bob will be promoted.

> It seems that "crm_master -v -INFINITY" is effectual to prevent Slave 
> promotion.

Yes, that is entirely correct. In the example above, if the outdated
slave sets a promotion preference of -INFINITY, them the total promotion
score would be -INFINITY + 200 == -INFINITY. So the outdated slave, bob,
would never be promoted to master.

>             if [ $master_pref -lt 0 ]; then
>                 # Sanitize a below-zero preference to just zero
>                 master_pref=0
>             fi
>             $CRM_MASTER -v $master_pref

This if block is unfortunately there for a good reason, namely that (at
least some versions back) the Policy Engine really did not like negative
promotion scores at all. I forget the exact details, but maybe Lars
(Ellenberg) will remember -- I seem to recall him telling me very firmly
something to the effect of "whatever you do, don't use crm_master with a
negative score anywhere". Now, it may be that said issues with the
pengine have since been fixed. If that is the case, I'll be happy to
modify the mysql RA as you suggest.

Surely you have patched your local version of the RA to set a -INFINITY
master preference. If so, does it behave as you expect it? If yes, could
you test it on both a 1.1 and a 1.0 cluster?

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