On 2011-11-15 16:21, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 09:53:12PM +0100, Florian Haas wrote:
>> Dejan, Lars, and other shell gurus in attendance,
>> maybe I'm totally off my rocker, and one of you guys can set me
>> straight. But to me this part of the ocf_run function seems a bit fishy:
>>         output=`"$@" 2>&1`
>>         rc=$?
>>         output=`echo $output`
>> Am I gravely mistaken, or would any funny control characters produced by
>> the wrapped command line totally mess up the content of "output" here as
>> it is mangled by the backticks?
> I think you're not :) The last line was most probably put there
> to convert CR to spaces.

>> $ output=`sipsak -v -s sip:somenotexistantextens...@ekiga.net 2>&1`
>> $ echo $output
>>  Content-Length: 0(1.5.3-notls
>> (i386/linux))tag=c64e1f832a41ec1c1f4e5673ac5b80f6.8ff585.127.155.32
> Seems like part of the output goes to stdout and another part to
> stderr. The two are interspersed in an unpredictable manner.


If I do
$ output=`sipsak -v -s sip:somenotexistantextens...@ekiga.net 2>&1`
$ xxd <<< $output

...then the output is in the hexdump in exactly the right order. It's
just delimited by CR (0x0d), not LF (0x0a). Which is mighty odd for a
utility running on any *nix platform, but still shouldn't be transformed
to something thus garbled, simply by being stuffed into a variable.

For now, I guess we'll wimp out and simply remove "-v" from the sipsak
invocation so it just doesn't produce any output, in which case ocf_run
falls back to logging just the command and its exit code.


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