
On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 08:03:32PM +0100, Attila Megyeri wrote:
> hi,
> I have a cluster configuration with two IPsrcaddr resources (e.g. IP address 
> "A" and "B")
> They are configured to two different addresses, and are never supposed to run 
> on the same nodes. So "A" can run on nodes N1 and N2, "B" can run on  N3,N4.
> My problem is, that in some cases, crm_mon shows that an ipsrcaddr resource 
> is running on a node where it shouldn't, and of course it is in unmanaged 
> state and cannot be stopped.
> For instance:
>                 IP address "A" is started, unamanged on node N3.
> I am using pacemaker 1.1.6 on a debian system, with the latest RA from github.
> I checked the RA, and here are my findings.
> -          When status is called, it calls the srca_read() function
> -          srca_read() returns 2, if a srcip is running on the given node, 
> but with a different IP address.
> -          srca_status(), when gets "2" from srca_read(), returns 
> As a result, in my case IP "B" is running on N3, which is OK, but CRM_mon 
> reports that IP "A" is also running on N3 (unmanaged). [for some reason this 
> is how the OCF_ERR_GENERIC is interpreted]
> This is definitively a bug, the question is whether in pacemaker or in the RA.
> If I change the script to return "$OCF_NOT_RUNNING" instead of  
> $OCF_ERR_GENERIC" it works properly.
> What is the proper behavior in this case?
> My recommendation is to fix the RA so that srca_read() returns 1, if there is 
> a srcip on the node, but it is not the queried one.

The comment in the agent says:

#   NOTES:
#   1) There must be one and not more than 1 default route! Mainly because
#   I can't see why you should have more than one.  And if there is more
#   than one, we would have to box clever to find out which one is to be
#   modified, or we would have to pass its identity as an argument.

This should actually be in the meta-data, as it is obviously
intended for users.

It looks like your use case doesn't fit this description, right?
Perhaps we could add a parameter like "allow_multiple_default_routes".



> In this case the RA would return a "$OCF_NOT_RUNNING"
> Cheers,
> Attila

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