On 22/03/13 09:57, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> Actually, your post brings
> up two options I've been wondering about for quite a while and which I
> didn't know:
> * the --wait flag for vzctl start
> * batch-limit  
> It appears to me that those would solve the issues we've been
> experiencing on our clusters. 'crm node online <node>' causes so many
> containers to start simultaneously that the IO for the shared NFS where
> our CTs are hosted is saturated for quite a while, which in some cases
> even lead to some nodes being fenced.
> What you are suggesting would drastically mitigate the problems we're
> experiencing and you're describing in your post.

OK, that's good.

I suppose the only issue with changing the default to "vzctl start
--wait" is that it might cause problems to people with existing setups,
who then upgrade to a newer version of ManageVE.  The possible problem
scenarios would be:

1. A pre-existing start operation timeout is too short, and causes an
error to be logged (I believe that in this case a second attempt to
start the container will be a NOOP, as the monitor operation will
already say that the resource is running in the case that a previous
invocation of the start operation was timed out, and killed by the
cluster daemons).  Would be good to test this tho' (I can test with
pacemaker - what else would need testing?).

2. Related to the above, the Debian 6.0 OpenVZ kernels have faulty
--wait support (although OpenVZ upstream doesn't recommend you use these
kernels, and the Debian OpenVZ maintainer has suggested trying the
Debian 7.0 OpenVZ kernels from http://download.openvz.org/debian/ as an
alternative workaround).  Still, probably this situation will be
relatively benign, and will only cause the same one-off timeout
behaviour as in 1. above.

> Also what you say about the default time for stopping the CT sounds
> reasonable. Luckily, we already set a higher timeout in our clusters
> (without having known about vzctl's behavior 

OK, good to know.

> In my opinion, the --wait option would improve the current situation
> significantly enough to justify the change in the agent's behavior. Of
> course, this needs to be tested first. However, the current RA has flaws
> (at least in certain setups like in ours) and I like to help improve it.

OK, good to know there's someone else at least using it...

> Are you also running your CTs on an NFS share? I could imagine some
> problems we experience might be related to that.

Nope, we're using DRBD as the backing store.  Each hardware node has a
single Intel SSD, and pairs of cluster nodes co-host a particular DRBD
resource on top of the SSD - approx 10 VEs per DRBD, and multiple DRBDs
per SSD.



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