Ragnar Kjørstad wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 24, 2007 at 06:58:48PM -0600, Alan Robertson wrote:
>>>>>> BTW: I just noticed that the DTD is also checked into mercury. So  
>>>>>> which
>>>>>> is the authoriative version? mercury or wiki?
>>>>> i think it's wiki, but i'm really not sure. alan?
>>>> mercurial is
>>> right. is it possible to edit the dtd in wiki?
>> I'm pretty sure it is.
>> ...
>> At this point, I think some corrections have probably been made to the
>> version in the Wiki that aren't in the Mercurial version.  The reverse
>> is probably true also...
> Yes, both are true.
> There are a lot of text in the annotated wiki version not available in
> the Mercurial version, and there are features in the Mercurial version
> that are missing in the wiki.
> Great.
> I assume the Mercurial version was inserted into the wiki at some point?
> how?
> If we can transfer it back to xml format it should be possible to
> perform some kind of merge.

It's worth noting that the annotated DTD in the wiki has features
missing from the online version - like a table of contents, and so on.

If we fix the two to be consistent, they will just get out of sync again.

Since the DTD is regarded as the primary documentation source for R2,
and the wiki version is hard enough to navigate, losing those features
would make it a poorer source of documentation.  And, we certainly don't
need that.

Are there good XML tools for doing table of contents, or indexing or
something like that?

Or could we write a tool to grab the DTD and slap it into the wiki in
wiki format?

Here's what the wiki format looks like:

    Alan Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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