Michael Schwartzkopff wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 3. April 2007 14:21 schrieb Sander van Vugt:
> (...)
>> I'm interested to help. What thoughts do you have on organizing this?
>> And if you do not have any thoughts about this, I'm volunteering for the
>> "project oversight" role to start with. Don't want to keep you from
>> developing new stuff for the Heartbeat project ;-)
>> Thoughts?
> Same for me. Could do some screen captures, esp for the new IPaddr2 RA.


For the information of others reading this:
Sander and Michael and I still need _LOTS_ of help!  :-D

I'll probably still help with this, if for no other reason than I'm
working some issues for having music intros and closes - with full legal
permission.  The current version of 'wink' does stinky audio - but that
will eventually be fixed.  When it does, I'll try and add a little
musical intro.

I would imagine that having an advanced screencast on setting up cluster
IP addresses, including all the IPtables stuff would be great.  We'll
probably still need some reference-level information for the web site so
that people can find the presentation.

You have the job!
We need to lay out a good set of courses through the journey(wo)man
level.  Obviously Lars and Andrew and Dejan and I will have more things
to say about what we think people need to know.

We also need to make sure these screencasts can be found by Google search.

I'm sure there's a longish todo list for this project beyond even the
course list.  Document how to make these screencasts, etc.  Please
document the todo on the web site, maybe a page named Education/TODO or
something like that?  That way I can add to it as I think of things...

        Thanks to both of you and everyone else who will help that
                hasn't _yet_ volunteered!

    Alan Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Openness is the foundation and preservative of friendship...  Let me
claim from you at all times your undisguised opinions." - William
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