I have a 2 node setup giving HA for an IP for mysql servers.
The Mysql servers are replicating and therefore should always be running. So
I don't want them to be managed by heartbeat. But I do need the monitoring.
So I made a classic 2 node IP sharing with pingd clones to check for it's

I have resource location rules that move the IP away from a node that has no
connectivity. I wanted to also remove the IP from the node if it's mysql
monitoring fails. To do this I've modified the mysql resource script that
was provided to limit it to just monitoring (using a dummy start,stop and

This works fine and with the following setup I detect if the mysql server is
working or not. The thing I wondering how to do is how to fail the IP if the
mysql server is not working. How could I write a resource location rule to
take into account the status of the clone monitoring? Is there a variable I
can access somewhere ?
One way of doing it I thought of was running the attrd_updater in the mysql
monitoring script to update a variable that I check in the rsc_location. But
is there a better way that I haven't thought of ?


       <clone id="mysql-mod">
         <instance_attributes id="mysql-mod">
             <nvpair id="mysql-mod-clone_node_max" name="clone_node_max"
         <primitive id="mysql-mod-child" provider="heartbeat" class="ocf"
             <op id="mysql-mod-child-monitor" name="monitor" interval="20s"
timeout="40s" prereq="nothing">
               <instance_attributes id="mysql-mod-child-monitor-attr">
                   <nvpair id="mysql-mod-child-monitor-attr-check_level"
name="OCF_CHECK_LEVEL" value="2"/>
             <op id="mysql-mod-child-start" name="start" prereq="nothing"/>

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