
I'm trying to set up a cluster system with two machines and a shared
storage (all SLES10 & Heartbeat 2.0.7)

For the shared storage there is an ISCSI target available to both
machines and the  management of this common device is done through
EVMS.  So far I managed to set up a private segment container using
the cluster segment manager (CSM) in EVMS; for this container to be
available heartbeat has to be started before the evms volumes can be
activated, and the following two lines must be present in the ha.cf
config file:

respawn root /sbin/evmsd
apiauth evms uid=hacluster,root

Now the private segment container is available and accessible two one
node only, that's how it is suppose to be.

So far so good, but now my question is, how do I configure  hearbeat
to move this private segment container from one node to the other, is
there an RA for this or am I going ahead of the project?

I don't think that the filesystem type should be a problem since I'm
using a private container, right?

I know STONITH is important here, I'll take care of this later.

A bit lost here, any helping hand?

Kind regards

Jose Jerez.
Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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