On 2007-05-03T09:25:12, Yan Fitterer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What return code should an OCF RA return on a monitor operation when
> the service is "running but broken" (for ex. process present, but
> services not available)?
> If the RA returns OCF_NOT_RUNNING, then will hb do a "stop" before any
> "start" when going from "unmanaged" to "managed" for example?


That "monitor" returning OCF_NOT_RUNNING also happens to trigger a stop
is exploiting undefined behaviour.

Just return the truth as best as you know it, as Andrew says. There is
no spoon and no difference in semantics between probe and monitor. Just
tell. ;-)

What is the motivation behind this question?

> What about other situations (start cluster, etc...)? Will hb _always_
> do a "stop" before any "start" ?

Not necessarily.

> If the RA returns OCF_ERR_GENERIC (or other error codes), then
> wouldn't this lead to "failed op", or some other situation where hb
> decides it cannot manage the resource anymore?

Possibly. A failed stop will trigger harsh recovery.


Teamlead Kernel, SuSE Labs, Research and Development
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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