Hi Everyone,

 I wanted to ping the group and see if anyone could recommend Linux-HA
resources.  I have the 2.0.8 rpm packages installed on my RHEL ES 4 boxes.
I have built a barebones ha.cf file and it is running correctly according to
CRM_MON.  I have hb_gui working as well.  So my next question is where do I
go from here, I am trying to setup a virtual IP that is moved from the two
boxes in case of a failure to make sure our website is up.  However I am not
really sure where to go for this.  Could anyone recommend a good doc on
this? or maybe a screencast, webpage or anything else.  I found some
resources referring on how to do this with version 1 of the app but I am
trying to follow the version 2 specification.  Any help would be
appreciated, and thanks ahead of time.

Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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