I'm trying to use the drbddisk script supplied with Heartbeat to control
my DRBD processes, and was wondering if there are any prerequisites to
its use? I was trying to use the drbd OCF script in a master/slave
configuration, with no luck, so I'm trying to use the drbddisk script as
a fall back configuration (deadlines, you know). It seems the drbddisk
script only does "primary" and "secondary" commands, so I take this to
imply the OS needs to be the one to start drbd at boot time
(i.e. /etc/rc5.d/S40drbd, or something to that effect). If this is so,
what monitors whether drbd itself is up and running, and starts it if
not from heartbeat?

Doug Knight
WSI Inc.
Andover, MA
Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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