On 5/14/07, Kai Bjørnstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi again Yan

comments within

On Friday 11 May 2007 00:57:36 Yan Fitterer wrote:
> Kay,
> Sorry I couldn't answer this earlier...
> When I run the pe input file on my system here (2.0.7-1.2), the ptest
> utility moves all resources to the second node, as expected. None are left
> on the first, AFAICS. See output attached. So either your version of HB
> comes to a different conclusion -> a bug, or something else is going on...

Did 2.0.7 have the turn off ordering on groups features? I thought that came
in 2.0.8.
Anyway we have compiled it ourselves, but it is a straight build/package from
the standard 2.0.8 linux-ha tar-ball.

> To me, the issue where you have a group where "collocation=true" and
> resources don't move together looks like a bug. If you can reproduce this,
> I think you should open a bugzilla for it, and see where it goes.
I'll see if a can reproduce it on a rpm built by suse or fedora.
I plan to see if we can build a 2.0.9 or something to see if it's fixed.
I'll open a bugzilla on it of not....

> Something else: I'm not sure how well things will work with a group where
> "ordered=false", but with ordering constraints attached to the resources
> within. I'm not sure this will work, as it could be valid for the pengine
> to give precedence to the group's "ordered=false" setting, and ignore
> completely the manual ordering constraints.
I see your point. I am actually wondering if the semantics around groups are a
bit strange? Intuitively you would think that a resource group is just like
any other resource. But as soon as you turn of colocation and ordering you
suddenly encounter a problem. If n of m resources within a group fail, what
is then the state of the group (started or failed)?


> Maybe somebody with better understanding can answer this one?
> Where is the 2.0.8 version you have coming from? What platform? I'm
> starting to wonder if the 2.0.8 you're using is "sane"...
tar ball downloaded from linux-ha, just made our own rpm-spec file

> To avoid the issue above where you create a group without ordering, but
> need some ordering nevertheless, maybe you should try a config getting rid
> of the group, and doing the co-location manually. Bit of a pain to write,
> but IMHO worth a try.

I'll see if I have time to write basically the same configuration with
explicit rules (no groups) and see what happens. Unfortunately I have already
blown all estimates on my tasks have others I need to follow up and a
deadline approaching.... you know the drill :-)

But I am still wondering, what rule is causing a full resource shutdown when
using a normal resource group (ordering=true, colocation=true) if any
resource (including the one listed at the end) fail after a failover?

If the reason is the colocation rule, I will never get my best-effort config
to work.

it can be either depending on the scenario.

if ordering=true and the first resource has to stop - then all
resources after it also have to stop

if colocated=true and the first resource cant run anywhere - then
there is nowhere for the other resources to run either

I'll do some more tests and pop a new mail...soon...


> Yan
> >>> On Thu, May 10, 2007 at 11:09 AM, in message
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kai Bjørnstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hum, maybe you wanted the pe-input file instead
> > (at time of lsb_conserver failure)
> >
> > Kai
> > --
> > Kai R. Bjrnstad
> > Senior Software Engineer
> > dir. +47 22 62 89 43
> > mob. +47 99 57 79 11
> > tel. +47 22 62 89 50
> > fax. +47 22 62 89 51
> >
> > Olaf Helsets vei 6
> > N0621 Oslo, Norway
> >
> > Scali - www.scali.com
> > Scaling the Linux Datacenter
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Kai R. Bjørnstad
Senior Software Engineer
dir. +47 22 62 89 43
mob. +47 99 57 79 11
tel. +47 22 62 89 50
fax. +47 22 62 89 51

Olaf Helsets vei 6
N0621 Oslo, Norway

Scali - www.scali.com
Scaling the Linux Datacenter
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See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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