[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 28/05/2007 04:22:31:

Hi Jugal!!

> Hi All,
> Thank you very much Fabio Martins.

No need to thank! =0)

> I have till some confustion regarding Active-Active Node configuration.
> Though Heartbeat  creates virtual IP for the Active node, if the 
> active node fails it transfers the request to the Secondary node by 
> activating it and assigning it the Virtual IP.
> But In this scenarion, I need heartbeat works as for load-balancing 
> also means, I need how would heartbeat transfer the requests to both
> node. Is there anyway that heartbeat transfer the request to both nodes.
> For example:
> I have to server DBServer1 and DBServer2.
> DBServer1: Supports for the USA customers.
> DBServer2: Supports for the UK customers.
> So, When they both doing their entry into the appropriate severs, 
> the changes are merged into the both database servers.
> So, by that way they have not much load on both servers.
> How to configure the heartbeat so that it will transfer the request 
> to both servers as per our need.

I understood your question, but I don't think that linux-ha has some 
feature to deal with what you want (to sign a IP address and distribute 
the load between both servers). What you can do is to assign a virtual IP 
address to each server, so the customers from USA will connect to 
(for example) and the customers from UK will connect to You can 
assign the IP to the group_USA (where we will need to assign the 
drbd disks and filesystems too) and the IP to the group_UK (where 
the other drbd disks and filesystems will be assigned). You can set the 
preference for group_USA to node1 and the preference for group_UK to 

This is a reasonable solution for what you need, but you need to check the 
viability in your company.

> Thank you very much once again
> Best Regards,
> Jugal.

Fabio Martins

> Hi Jugal! 
> linux-ha-bounces[at]lists.linux-ha.org wrote on 24/05/2007 07:33:22: 
> > Hi All, 
> > 
> > I have done the configuration of DRBD with the help of heartbeat. 
> > 
> > Anybody please guide me how to do the Active/Active Node 
> > configuration with the help of Heartbeat and DRBD. 
> > 
> > I need the DRBD works like Merge Replication, So, it captures all 
> > the changes from both MySQL Databases and merege them in Both. So in 
> > my case both mysql server is active. 
> In this case you must have different active disks or each node. For 
> example, in node A you will have the disk drbd0 active and the same disk 
> passive in node B. In node B you must have the drbd1 as active and the 
> same disk as passive to node A. 
> If you want to have all the disks mounted on both nodes, you need 
> something like GPFS. 
> Here follows a cib.xml example for what you need. In this case I'm 
> starting the drbd0 and drbd2 on the node s0580crmdb2pr1 as primary disk 
> and mounting them. On node s0580crmdb2pr2 I'm starting the disks drbd1 
> drbd3 as primary and mounting them. 
> Considering that I am using the drbddisk resource (from version 1), the 
> drbd must be already running (service drbd start;chkconfig --level 35 
> on): 
>  <cib admin_epoch="0" have_quorum="true" num_peers="1" 
> cib_feature_revision="1.3" generated="true" ccm_transition="11" 
> dc_uuid="a985c07a-84e9-4062-a57c-9cbb3799b5ed" epoch="47" 
> num_updates="1989" crm-debug-origin="create_node_entry" 
> cib-last-written="Tue May 22 14:12:25 2007"> 
>    <configuration> 
>      <crm_config> 
>        <cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options"> 
>          <attributes> 
>            <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-symmetric_cluster" 
> name="symmetric_cluster" value="true"/> 
>            <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-no_quorum_policy" 
> name="no_quorum_policy" value="stop"/> 
>            <nvpair 
> name="default_resource_stickiness" value="0"/> 
>            <nvpair 
> id="cib-bootstrap-options-default_resource_failure_stickiness" 
> name="default_resource_failure_stickiness" value="0"/> 
>            <nvpair name="stonith_enabled" 
> id="cib-bootstrap-options-stonith_enabled" value="False"/> 
>            <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-stonith_action" 
> name="stonith_action" value="reboot"/> 
>            <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-stop_orphan_resources" 
> name="stop_orphan_resources" value="false"/> 
>            <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-stop_orphan_actions" 
> name="stop_orphan_actions" value="true"/> 
>            <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-remove_after_stop" 
> name="remove_after_stop" value="false"/> 
>            <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-short_resource_names" 
> name="short_resource_names" value="true"/> 
>            <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-transition_idle_timeout" 
> name="transition_idle_timeout" value="120s"/> 
>            <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-default_action_timeout" 
> name="default_action_timeout" value="1200s"/> 
>            <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-is_managed_default" 
> name="is_managed_default" value="true"/> 
>            <nvpair name="last-lrm-refresh" 
> id="cib-bootstrap-options-last-lrm-refresh" value="1161269979"/> 
>          </attributes> 
>        </cluster_property_set> 
>      </crm_config> 
>      <nodes> 
>        <node id="a985c07a-84e9-4062-a57c-9cbb3799b5ed" 
> uname="s0580crmdb2pr2" type="normal"/> 
>        <node id="e63ba264-c9e7-48a9-80a7-f6d12a22d4b0" 
> uname="s0580crmdb2pr1" type="normal"/> 
>      </nodes> 
>      <resources> 
>        <group ordered="true" description="Grupo de recursos db2pr1" 
> restart_type="ignore" resource_stickiness="0" is_managed="default" 
> collocated="true" multiple_active="stop_start" id="group_db2pr1"> 
>          <primitive id="IP_db2pr1" class="ocf" type="IPaddr" 
> provider="heartbeat" restart_type="ignore" is_managed="default" 
> resource_stickiness="0" description="IP utilizado pelo dbpr1" 
> multiple_active="stop_start"> 
>            <instance_attributes id="IP_db2pr1_instance_attrs"> 
>              <attributes> 
>                <nvpair id="eb355e01-1f73-4ce7-9d43-edf0f160d77d" 
> value=""/> 
>                <nvpair id="IP_db2pr1_target_role" name="target_role" 
> value="started"/> 
>              </attributes> 
>            </instance_attributes> 
>          </primitive> 
>          <primitive id="resource_drbd0" class="heartbeat" 
> provider="heartbeat" restart_type="ignore" is_managed="default" 
> resource_stickiness="0" multiple_active="stop_start"> 
>            <instance_attributes id="resource_drbd0_instance_attrs"> 
>              <attributes> 
>                <nvpair id="resource_drbd0_target_role" 
> value="started"/> 
>                <nvpair id="add7aa21-a89a-40a1-ab34-6c626d336629" 
> value="rmpath0-part1"/> 
>              </attributes> 
>            </instance_attributes> 
>          </primitive> 
>          <primitive id="resource_drbd2" class="heartbeat" 
> provider="heartbeat" restart_type="ignore" is_managed="default" 
> resource_stickiness="0" multiple_active="stop_start"> 
>            <instance_attributes id="resource_drbd2_instance_attrs"> 
>              <attributes> 
>                <nvpair id="resource_drbd2_target_role" 
> value="started"/> 
>                <nvpair id="cf0e6792-e667-47f0-9dc4-784b6e8f98a7" 
> value="rmpath2-part1"/> 
>              </attributes> 
>            </instance_attributes> 
>          </primitive> 
>          <primitive id="resource_drbd0_fs" class="ocf" type="Filesystem" 
> provider="heartbeat" restart_type="ignore" is_managed="default" 
> resource_stickiness="0" multiple_active="stop_start"> 
>            <instance_attributes id="resource_drbd0_fs_instance_attrs"> 
>              <attributes> 
>                <nvpair id="resource_drbd0_fs_target_role" 
> name="target_role" value="started"/> 
>                <nvpair id="3b4e294c-7521-46a6-b3d3-9c3df991e4d0" 
> name="device" value="/dev/drbd0"/> 
>                <nvpair id="cfd540a4-989f-4a5f-a9a0-90f95d77bb20" 
> name="directory" value="/dbtbs"/> 
>                <nvpair id="c9788a08-5070-45a0-beab-33b34cc6e2b2" 
> name="fstype" value="ext3"/> 
>              </attributes> 
>            </instance_attributes> 
>          </primitive> 
>          <primitive id="resource_drbd2_fs" class="ocf" type="Filesystem" 
> provider="heartbeat" restart_type="ignore" is_managed="default" 
> resource_stickiness="0" multiple_active="stop_start"> 
>            <instance_attributes id="resource_drbd2_fs_instance_attrs"> 
>              <attributes> 
>                <nvpair id="resource_drbd2_fs_target_role" 
> name="target_role" value="started"/> 
>                <nvpair id="343f1b2c-9f16-4aa1-8456-18c098ecc147" 
> name="device" value="/dev/drbd2"/> 
>                <nvpair id="d6fea532-33ad-4574-a580-e0f6f358b691" 
> name="directory" value="/dbtemp"/> 
>                <nvpair id="45441dad-ca3b-47a5-ae86-d10e5e636a2e" 
> name="fstype" value="ext3"/> 
>              </attributes> 
>            </instance_attributes> 
>          </primitive> 
>          <primitive id="resource_db2_prod" class="ocf" type="db2" 
> provider="heartbeat" restart_type="ignore" is_managed="default" 
> resource_stickiness="0" description="DB2 Producao" 
> multiple_active="stop_start"> 
>            <instance_attributes id="resource_db2_prod_instance_attrs"> 
>              <attributes> 
>                <nvpair id="resource_db2_prod_target_role" 
> name="target_role" value="started"/> 
>                <nvpair id="94c70633-51d4-4cd8-90d2-4e691be4f44f" 
> name="instance" value="db2admin"/> 
>              </attributes> 
>            </instance_attributes> 
>          </primitive> 
>        </group> 
>        <group id="group_db2pr2" ordered="true" description="Grupo de 
> recursos db2pr2" restart_type="ignore" resource_stickiness="0" 
> is_managed="default" collocated="true" multiple_active="stop_start"> 
>          <primitive id="IP_db2pr2" class="ocf" type="IPaddr" 
> provider="heartbeat" restart_type="ignore" is_managed="default" 
> resource_stickiness="0" description="IP utilizado pelo db2pr2" 
> multiple_active="stop_start"> 
>            <instance_attributes id="IP_db2pr2_instance_attrs"> 
>              <attributes> 
>                <nvpair id="IP_db2pr2_target_role" name="target_role" 
> value="started"/> 
>                <nvpair id="10c42a39-8feb-4bd7-a9e6-1b07c8f90b7e" 
> value=""/> 
>              </attributes> 
>            </instance_attributes> 
>          </primitive> 
>          <primitive id="resource_drbd1" class="heartbeat" 
> provider="heartbeat" restart_type="ignore" is_managed="default" 
> resource_stickiness="0" multiple_active="stop_start"> 
>            <instance_attributes id="resource_drbd1_instance_attrs"> 
>              <attributes> 
>                <nvpair id="resource_drbd1_target_role" 
> value="started"/> 
>                <nvpair id="59672e78-5be2-479b-aee9-e1ebee042022" 
> value="rmpath1-part1"/> 
>              </attributes> 
>            </instance_attributes> 
>          </primitive> 
>          <primitive id="resource_drbd3" class="heartbeat" 
> provider="heartbeat" restart_type="ignore" is_managed="default" 
> resource_stickiness="0" multiple_active="stop_start"> 
>            <instance_attributes id="resource_drbd3_instance_attrs"> 
>              <attributes> 
>                <nvpair id="resource_drbd3_target_role" 
> value="started"/> 
>                <nvpair id="418e16c6-c5a3-4dd8-8534-727c10bd182c" 
> value="rmpath2-part2"/> 
>              </attributes> 
>            </instance_attributes> 
>          </primitive> 
>          <primitive id="resource_drbd1_fs" class="ocf" type="Filesystem" 
> provider="heartbeat" restart_type="ignore" is_managed="default" 
> resource_stickiness="0" multiple_active="stop_start"> 
>            <instance_attributes id="resource_drbd1_fs_instance_attrs"> 
>              <attributes> 
>                <nvpair id="resource_drbd1_fs_target_role" 
> name="target_role" value="started"/> 
>                <nvpair id="ad6d9329-94ed-4d91-b72c-0e32a978de37" 
> name="device" value="/dev/drbd1"/> 
>                <nvpair id="a7dc2e3e-d520-404b-9f41-d128e14ec6b9" 
> name="directory" value="/dbtbs2"/> 
>                <nvpair id="14c454de-8310-42ab-9a3f-5ff303ed007f" 
> name="fstype" value="ext3"/> 
>              </attributes> 
>            </instance_attributes> 
>          </primitive> 
>          <primitive id="resource_drbd3_fs" class="ocf" type="Filesystem" 
> provider="heartbeat" restart_type="ignore" is_managed="default" 
> resource_stickiness="0" multiple_active="stop_start"> 
>            <instance_attributes id="resource_drbd3_fs_instance_attrs"> 
>              <attributes> 
>                <nvpair id="resource_drbd3_fs_target_role" 
> name="target_role" value="started"/> 
>                <nvpair id="a9a70879-a902-479f-a148-359b13b9ffe6" 
> name="device" value="/dev/drbd3"/> 
>                <nvpair id="0479c1c6-3d70-4b12-a9d9-6b9328f208f8" 
> name="directory" value="/dblog"/> 
>                <nvpair id="98451c5d-29bf-4469-8a7d-c22798020d6f" 
> name="fstype" value="ext3"/> 
>              </attributes> 
>            </instance_attributes> 
>          </primitive> 
>        </group> 
>      </resources> 
>      <constraints> 
>        <rsc_location id="place_db2pr1" rsc="group_db2pr1"> 
>          <rule id="prefered_place_db2pr1" score="100"> 
>            <expression attribute="#uname" 
> id="745c2e82-e6cb-4c56-9611-797a2533a47d" operation="eq" 
> value="s0580crmdb2pr1"/> 
>          </rule> 
>        </rsc_location> 
>        <rsc_location id="place_db2pr2" rsc="group_db2pr2"> 
>          <rule id="prefered_place_db2pr2" score="100"> 
>            <expression attribute="#uname" 
> id="4008e22f-7953-4398-bf10-4680d233ce1b" operation="eq" 
> value="s0580crmdb2pr2"/> 
>          </rule> 
>        </rsc_location> 
>      </constraints> 
>    </configuration> 
>  </cib> 
> I hope it helps you! :) 
> Best Regards, 
> Fabio Martins 
> jugal shah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi All,
> I have done the configuration of DRBD with the help of heartbeat. 
> Anybody please guide me how to do the Active/Active Node 
> configuration with the help of Heartbeat and DRBD.
> I need the DRBD works like Merge Replication, So, it captures all 
> the changes from both MySQL Databases and merege them in Both. So in
> my case both mysql server is active.
> Thanks in Advance.
> Please reply me as early as possible.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Jugal Shah
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