Hi Andrew,

thank you for that hint. But be sure, I always try this, even
if I'm sometimes too crazy to read the output.
In this case it is:
Usage: ptest -(?|L|X|x) [-V] [-D] [-G] [-I]
    --help (-?): This text

    --verbose (-V): Increase verbosity (can be supplied multiple times)

    --live-check (-L): Connect to the CIB and use the current contents as input
    --xml-stream (-x): Look for xml on stdin
    --xml-file (-X)     <filename> : Look for xml in the named file

    --save-graph (-G)   <filename> : Save the transition graph to the named file
    --save-dotfile (-D) <filename> : Save the DOT formatted transition graph to 
the named file
    --save-input (-I)   <filename> : Save the input to the named file

That's why I wote: It doesn't help me. Yes, probably I'm too
stupid for that, but that output does not help me to get the
scores which caused a resource to be where it is.

So, how can I achieve it with that tool?
How do I have to use this tool?
How are you guys using this tool?
What is the background of this tool?

Best regards
Andreas Mock

>>> "Andrew Beekhof" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 16.07.2007 08:16 >>>
On 7/15/07, matilda matilda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Lars,
> >>> Lars Marowsky-Bree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 14.07.07 21.17 Uhr >>>
> >>On 2007-07-14T17:49:53, matilda matilda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> So, is there a tool to read the current scores of resources?
> >
> >ptest can do what you want. If you run it against a given configuration,
> >you can see what the cluster would do, and what weights would be
> >assigned because of that.
> I searched for how to use ptest. But I couldn't find something which
> helped
> me. Could you please tell me /us how to use it?

All of the tools I created support the --help option.
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