On 2007-10-16T12:11:24, Ian Jiang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>       I want to use the hearbeat idea in an embedded environment. The
>       current Linux heartbeat is too complicated, because an embedded
>       system differs a lot with a general Linux cluster, and is
>       usually much simpler and less of variability. So I am wondering
>       whether there is other high available system using the heartbeat
>       idea with simple architecture and is applicable for me as a
>       reference. Open sources is better. Any suggestion is
>       appreciated!    

You mean, whether there are other HA solutions? Of course.

There keepalived, the RedHat Cluster Suite, some implementations of the
Service-Availability-Forum specifications ... Google will tell you more
about them ;-)

But even Linux HA isn't too complicated for embedded systems; just
because the flexibility is there doesn't mean you've got to use it. You
could deploy a standarized configuration just the same.


Teamlead Kernel, SuSE Labs, Research and Development
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes." -- Oscar Wilde

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