Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:

On Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 04:17:45PM +0100, Dominik Klein wrote:
Hi ... again ...

I wrote my own little RA to start a custom binary. Very basic RA up to now.

I start my binary with
nohup $binfile $cmdline_options >> $logfile 2>> $errorlogfile &

Works ok actually, the logfiles are filled as expected, but I also see some of the output in the Linux-HA log (/var/log/messages).

lrmd: [2618]: info: RA output: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

How to avoid this?

Currently there is no way around that. We assume that if the RA
says something, perhaps it's important, so it is logged. Why
would you want to avoid it?

I start my binary with

nohup $binfile $cmdline_options >> $logfile 2>> $errorlogfile &
                                ^^          ^^^

So neither stdout nor stderr should be "said" so Linux-HA should not log it. I'm just curious why it does.

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