
On 26 Nov 2007, at 12:01, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:


On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 08:22:18AM +0100, Christian Rish?j wrote:

Dear Linux-HA readers

I hereby publish an OCF resource agent for the Sphinx Search daemon
[1]. Please use and redistribute as you wish.

Many thanks for the contribution. I made some comments, just look
for the "DM" string.

Your comments are much welcome - I am not very familiar with shell scripting. I have followed up on all of them, except for making the config file mandatory.

If you did this on company time or if your contract with your
company has a special clause which covers _all_ your computer
related work, you should clarify their position on the
contribution with Alan.

I did this on company time, but for my own company, and I think I have a fairly relaxed policy : )

Best regards


Attachment: SphinxSearchDaemon
Description: Binary data

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