Junko IKEDA wrote:

I found something rule like this;
When the following process was killed, the system would reboot.
* ccm
* cib
* lrmd
* crmd
* pengine
* tengine

These processes would be restarted when they are killed.
* media (ex. write/read bcast)
* stonithd
* attrd
* mgmtd
* respawn (ex. pingd)

If mcp is killed, Heartbeat2 is going to stop.
(but, lrmd and mgmtd might remain...)

Is there any policy what process is desired, restart itself or reboot the
I think it wouldn't be hurt if the death of all process raise a reboot.
It's simple.

Heartbeat has always restarted "client" processes until recently, and restarted itself when it's own processes died. The reboot action is certainly simple, but if the recovery works, then it's certainly more gentle.

I recently changed it so that when the "media" processes died that we restarted them. Certain kinds of temporary hardware and administrator malfunctions most commonly cause them to mess up, and Lars specifically asked that they not die in this case.

The FIFO process is certainly easy to restart, so I just added it to restart (it's only used in R1 configurations).

If our strategy works (and I think it does) then I think I like "soft/safe" recovery when it is not too complicated.

    Alan Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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