On Dec 7, 2007, at 4:55 AM, Jeff Humes wrote:

I have created a  simple heartbeat cluster:

2 Centos 4.5 nodes

HB version:

Here is the issue I see, and I dont know what I am doing wrong.
I have a simple group (*"GROUP_knworks_assp"*) setup. It is colocated and ordered. the issue is that I can get the IP address to work, but the LSB init script will not work.

I have followed the document:
it meets all of the requirements and passes all the correct return codes to be LSB Compliant.

The IP address is on node1, and the LSB script says: unmanaged and failed.

crm_mon -1 output:
Resource Group: GROUP_knworks_assp
knworks_assp_ip (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr2): Started asknmapr01 knworks_assp_initscript (lsb:knworks_assp_init_script.sh): Started asknmapr02 (unmanaged) FAILED

Failed actions:
knworks_assp_initscript_monitor_0 (node=asknmapr02, call=77, rc=254): Error knworks_assp_initscript_stop_0 (node=asknmapr02, call=78, rc=254): Error

254? that can't be good - especially since thats supposed to be the massaged rc value (the raw rc is mapped to one of the entries in the UNIFORM_RET_EXECRA enum).

what do the logs say?

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