On Dec 18, 2007, at 5:35 PM, Scott Mann wrote:

On Tue 12/18/2007 12:52 AM, Andrew Beekhof said:

On Dec 17, 2007, at 11:28 PM, Scott Mann wrote:

in v2 mode you can't monitor the resource using the HA API... only via
the CIB.

Yes, right. Figured that out when my ha api call for resources failed
the first time ;-)

The CIB API appears to be in /usr/include/heartbeat/crm/cib.h, correct?


It appears that I can get notified of resource status changes via a
cib signon. I'm beginning to work on that part now.

the tengine makes use of the notifications, if you need an example - look there

Yes. That's what I tried to explain above. In v1 mode with specific
nodes, I can signon right
away. In v2 with autojoin, it takes 2.5 minutes.

Its still not clear to me that you've tried the third option.... "v2
mode with specific nodes"

Ah, sorry. Obvious oversight on my part. In v2, with the two nodes
specified in ha.cf:

node hostA
node hostB

and autojoin commented out, things are a bit different. In that case, I
can connect via the api as quickly as with v1, however the resource is
not available for ~2.5 minutes.

Any clues where I should look for that?

the crm has a startup delay of max(10s, initdead/2) and an election timeout of the same value. add in some time to check the resources aren't running and thats probably where the time is going (assuming you still have initdead set to 120s).

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