On 2008-01-25T12:02:05, matilda matilda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>> Andrew Beekhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 25.01.2008 11:10 >>>
> >
> >command 1 tells the cluster that the node is not available to run  
> >resources
> >command 2 says that it can (again) run resources
> I just wanted to know, what "standby" means. I try to summarize:
> a) The node is alive and a member of the cluster.
> b) NO resource is allowed to run on that node. 
> What does this mean in terms of score-calculation?
> Does this have an impact to score calculation? Or is such a node
> simply not concerned?
> When a node is put to "standby" what does thismean to resources?
> (adding -INFINITY to the score?)

The score is set to -INFINITY. If a score was calculated, it'd be

a) and b) already provide the full summary, I'm not quite sure what you
care about the internal details - usually this means that you are
wondering about some specific behaviour you are seeing? ;-)


Teamlead Kernel, SuSE Labs, Research and Development
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