Hi All,

I think that there are some problems in the apache RA.
My computer environment is as follows

# /usr/sbin/httpd -v
Server version: Apache/2.2.3
Server built:   Aug  6 2007 07:22:24
# /usr/lib64/heartbeat/heartbeat -V

Please see the problems below:

When there is no "PidFile" tag in the "httpd.conf" file, httpd will use
the value in "/var/log/httpd/httpd.pid".
It seems default for httpd.
But apache RA doesn't know about it.
As a result, RA start becomes the error.

When there is no "ServerRoot" tag in the "httpd.conf" file, httpd will
use the value in "/var/${PidFile}".
It seems to be default for httpd.
But apache RA doesn't know about it.
As a result, RA start becomes the error.

When there is no "Listen" tag in the "httpd.conf" file, Listen number
will be "8443".
Because "httpd.conf" file is included in "/etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf".
and there is "Listen 8443" set in the "/etc/httpd/conf.d/nss.conf".
If there is no "Listen" tag in the "httpd.conf" file, apache RA will use
"Listen 8443" in the "/etc/httpd/conf.d/nss.conf".
But the real Listen number is "443".
As a result, RA monitor becomes the error.

In apache, start_apache is using monitor_apache.
As a result, if the monitor is NG because of the OCF parameters, the
start will be NG too, although httpd has started normally.
I think it is a little strange and confusing.
And I have checked the other RAs and found that among the all 46 RAs,
there are 33 RAs does not use monitor in start, but pidfile.
So I am wondering if we can use the same policy in start_apache.

I made a patch file to solve these problems above.
Please give me some comments.
If it is OK, can we put it into the next release 2.1.4?

Best Regards,
Hiroshi Akamatsu.

Attachment: apache.patch
Description: Binary data

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