On Feb 5, 2008, at 12:39 AM, Mike Toler wrote:

I'm finally able to run my DRBD/HA NFS server on a V1 setup without
serious issue. My failovers work correctly and NFS service takes only a
minor interruption when a server is lost.  The only thing I'm still
having problems using V1 with is SNMP.

Now, as an exercise in masochism, I'm trying to convert it over to V2 so that I can use all the nifty new HA V2 functions. (We also already are
using SNMP with a V2 HA setup for some of our other components, so I'm
hoping this will also fix my last issue there.)

My problem:

Using the information from the "DRBD/HowTov2: Linux HA" page I should be able to easily setup the DRBD portion. However, my config fails to pass
the "crm_verify" command.

crm_verify -L -V
crm_verify[5272]: 2008/02/04_15:58:52 WARN: unpack_rsc_op: Processing
failed op drbd0:0_start_0 on nfs_server1.prodea.local.lab: Error
crm_verify[5272]: 2008/02/04_15:58:52 WARN: unpack_rsc_op: Compatability
handling for failed op drbd0:0_start_0 on nfs_server1.prodea.local.lab
crm_verify[5272]: 2008/02/04_15:58:52 WARN: unpack_rsc_op: Processing
failed op drbd0:1_start_0 on nfs_server1.prodea.local.lab: Error
crm_verify[5272]: 2008/02/04_15:58:52 WARN: unpack_rsc_op: Compatability
handling for failed op drbd0:1_start_0 on nfs_server1.prodea.local.lab
crm_verify[5272]: 2008/02/04_15:58:52 WARN: native_color: Resource
drbd0:0 cannot run anywhere
crm_verify[5272]: 2008/02/04_15:58:52 WARN: native_color: Resource
drbd0:1 cannot run anywhere
crm_verify[5272]: 2008/02/04_15:58:52 WARN: native_color: Resource fs0
cannot run anywhere
Warnings found during check: config may not be valid

My nodes seem to be named correctly (when viewed through uname -a)

                [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha.d]# uname -a
                Linux nfs_server1.prodea.local.lab 2.6.9-55.ELsmp #1 SMP
Fri Apr 20 17:03:35 EDT 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Why would the DRBD resource not be able to run anywhere?

Because we tried to start drbd and it failed on both nodes at which point the cluster gives up.

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