Dejan Muhamedagic escribió:

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 06:20:58PM +0100, Adrian Chapela wrote:
Dejan Muhamedagic escribi?:

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 04:59:51PM +0100, Adrian Chapela wrote:

I attached my newest config.
Which version do you run? Apparently, Andrew improved multistate
resources in 2.1.3.
Yes I know and I am running 2.1.3 to do tests and in another production system (With other versions I have some overload problems).

OK. I don't think that we can solve this without logs and
transition graphs. Please use hb_report to get all that and post
it or, if you believe that this is a bug, open a bugzilla.
Think you the config is well ? I don´t think in a bug, but all is possible. I have been working hard on this situation for a few months. I have configured another scenario but this is impossible to me. I will use hb_report and I will upload some logs but until monday I couldn´t reproduce the error.

Thank you!!


You are welcome!

This config has a clone resource, a master/slave resource and a "normal" resource. I have two nodes (debian and semsor10) and I have serious problems to understand why happens some situations.

I think this is a normal situation:

Node: semsor10 (2658f3c0-66a9-4348-b598-b9ff49769be7): online
Node: debian (965ec846-da89-468a-b31e-9eea5af911e5): online

Resource Group: IP_ADDR
   IPaddr      (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr):        Started semsor10
Master/Slave Set: MySQL_Server
mysqld-child:0 (heartbeat::ocf:mysql_slave_master): Master semsor10 mysqld-child:1 (heartbeat::ocf:mysql_slave_master): Started debian
Clone Set: pingd
   pingd-child:0       (heartbeat::ocf:pingd): Started semsor10
   pingd-child:1       (heartbeat::ocf:pingd): Started debian

If I started semsor10 first, Semsor10 went to master well. Then I started debian and in a moment, all resources disappeared from crm_mon. All except pingd clone. Then mysql resource is restarted and resources are in sample out above. IP_ADDR goes down because location constraint, I think but what about mysql master/slave ?? Why is it going down or making a new negociation ?? If I have default-resource-stickiness set to INFINITY I have the same result. I want if a resource is master on a node, this resource must remains on that node, what is the option to do that ??

Thank you!

<cib admin_epoch="1" have_quorum="false" ignore_dtd="false" num_peers="0" cib_feature_revision="1.3" generated="false" epoch="7" num_updates="68" cib-last-written="Fri Feb 29 13:26:41 2008">
       <cluster_property_set id="cps1">
<nvpair id="transition_idle_timeout" name="cluster-delay" value="120s"/> <nvpair id="symmetric_cluster" name="symmetric-cluster" value="true"/> <nvpair id="no_quorum_policy" name="no-quorum-policy" value="stop"/> <nvpair id="stop-orphan-resources" name="stop-orphan-resources" value="true"/> <nvpair id="stop-orphan-actions" name="stop-orphan-actions" value="true"/>
       <cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options">
<nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-dc-version" name="dc-version" value="2.1.3-node: 552305612591183b1628baa5bc6e903e0f1e26a3"/> <nvpair id="stonith-action" name="stonith-action" value="poweroff"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-default-resource-stickiness" name="default-resource-stickiness" value="50"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-default-resource-failure-stickiness" name="default-resource-failure-stickiness" value="-INFINITY"/>
<node id="2658f3c0-66a9-4348-b598-b9ff49769be7" uname="semsor10" type="normal"/> <node id="965ec846-da89-468a-b31e-9eea5af911e5" uname="debian" type="normal"/>
       <group id="IP_ADDR" restart_type="restart">
<primitive class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr" id="IPaddr">
             <op id="4" interval="5s" name="monitor" timeout="5s"/>
             <op id="5" name="start" timeout="5s"/>
             <op id="6" name="stop" timeout="5s"/>
           <instance_attributes id="ia1">
               <nvpair id="ip5" name="ip" value=""/>
               <nvpair id="ip6" name="netmask" value="24"/>
               <nvpair id="ip7" name="gw" value=""/>
               <nvpair id="ip8" name="nic" value="ha1"/>
           <meta_attributes id="IPaddr:0_meta_attrs">
<nvpair name="target_role" id="IPaddr:0_metaattr_target_role" value="started"/>
       <master_slave id="MySQL_Server">
         <instance_attributes id="mysql_server_1">
             <nvpair id="mysql_server_nv1" name="clone_max" value="2"/>
<nvpair id="mysql_server_nv2" name="clone_node_max" value="1"/>
             <nvpair id="mysql_server_nv3" name="master_max" value="1"/>
<nvpair id="mysql_server_nv4" name="master_node_max" value="1"/>
<primitive id="mysqld-child" class="ocf" type="mysql_slave_master" provider="heartbeat">
<op id="mysqld-child-monitor" name="monitor" interval="20s" timeout="40s" prereq="nothing"/>
             <op id="mysqld-child-start" name="start" prereq="nothing"/>
<op name="monitor" id="mysql-child-start-Slave" interval="10s" timeout="10s" role="Slave"/> <op name="monitor" id="mysql-child-start-Master" interval="5s" timeout="10s" role="Master"/>
       <clone id="pingd">
         <instance_attributes id="pingd">
<nvpair id="pingd-clone_node_max" name="clone_node_max" value="1"/>
<primitive id="pingd-child" provider="heartbeat" class="ocf" type="pingd">
<op id="pingd-child-monitor" name="monitor" interval="20s" timeout="40s" prereq="nothing"/>
             <op id="pingd-child-start" name="start" prereq="nothing"/>
           <instance_attributes id="pingd_inst_attr">
               <nvpair id="pingd-dampen" name="dampen" value="5s"/>
<nvpair id="pingd-multiplier" name="multiplier" value="100"/>
       <rsc_location id="my_resource:loc:debian" rsc="IP_ADDR">
<rule id="my_resource:connected:rule" score="-INFINITY" boolean_op="or"> <expression id="my_resource:connected:expr:undefined" attribute="pingd" operation="not_defined"/> <expression id="my_resource:connected:expr:zero" attribute="pingd" operation="lte" value="0"/> <expression id="my_resource:connected:expr:mysql_is_running" attribute="mysql_is_running" operation="ne" value="1"/>
       <rsc_location id="loc:mysql_slave_master" rsc="MySQL_Server">
<rule id="loc:mysql_slave_master:semsor10" role="master" score="100"> <expression id="loca:mysql_slave_master:semsor10" attribute="#uname" operation="eq" value="semsor10"/>
<rule id="loc:mysql_slave_master:debian" role="master" score="50"> <expression id="loca:mysql_slave_master:debian" attribute="#uname" operation="eq" value="debian"/>
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