On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 1:37 PM, Dominik Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Guy wrote:
>  > Hi guys,
>  >
>  > After much fiddling and learning (still loads to do though) I've got
>  > my 2 node primary/secondary  & secondary/primary set more or less
>  > working. One failure of node 1, node 2 takes both drbd partitions as
>  > primary and mounts the partitions and nfs etc etc.
>  > When node 1 is brought back up I wait for node 2 to sync back over the
>  > old primary on node 1 and then use crm_resource to move the one
>  > primary back to node 1. Is there any way to do this automatically?
>  > Wait for drbd to sync and then push primary back to node 1? This is
>  > just curiosity, doing it manually gives me a chance to see that all is
>  > well.
>  >
>  > The problem I've really got is if one node just loses connectivity.
>  > I've played around with dopd and pingd but this hasn't given the
>  > desired results. I have one interface into the network and one
>  > connecting the machines by crossover.
>  > If node 1 loses connectivity (with dopd running) it fences /dev/drbd0
>  > on node 2, thus stopping node 2 from taking it as primary. What I
>  > really need it to do is force any primary partitions into secondary
>  > mode if the node loses connectivity so that the "live" node can sync
>  > back to it after recovery of connectivity. I don't see that dopd can
>  > help me with this, so do I make some sort of constraint with pingd to
>  > demote the partitions if there's no connectivity?
>  Just set a score of -infinity for the master role when pingd attribute
>  is 0 or undefined.
>  sth like
>  <rsc_location id="my_resource:connected" rsc="my_resource">
>    <rule role="master" id="my_resource:connected:rule" score="-INFINITY"
>  boolean_op="or">
>      <expression id="my_resource:connected:expr:undefined"
>        attribute="pingd" operation="not_defined"/>
>      <expression id="my_resource:connected:expr:zero"
>        attribute="pingd" operation="lte" value="0"/>
>    </rule>
>  </rsc_location>
>  > I have location constraints putting one primary partition on each
>  > node, so would I need to do something with the scoring to ensure that
>  > demoted partitions stayed that way until resync by drbd was done?
>  That does not seem possible right now.

Not without changing the drbd RA. If the monitor action would set an
extra attribute with the help of attrd_updater, depending on the sync
status of the secondary, it should be possible to use this attribute
in a location constraint as a score_attribute  ..... just some
thoughts ...


>  I'd go with keeping the primary on the second node until you manually
>  verified drbd has synced and then migrate manually.
>  > I've attached my conf files. As you can see the only constraints I
>  > currently have are the location preferences for the primary partitions
>  > and the colocation and order constraints to ensure the groups for the
>  > fs, nfs and ipaddr only start on the appropriate node.
>  Regards
>  Dominik
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