
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 08:05:14AM -0400, Doug Knight wrote:
> All,
> As of this morning, I am now seeing an error generated by every
> execution of crm_resource. I am running HA version 2.0.8 on Linux RHEL5.
> No changes have been made, in fact the first occurrence was from a
> cronjob that runs every morning. If this is fixed in a later version
> please let me know.
> # crm_resource -W -r pgsql_5432
> crm_resource[2024]: 2008/03/31_05:22:02 ERROR: crm_abort:
> ha_set_tm_time: Triggered non-fatal assert at iso8601.c:852 :
> rhs->tm_mday < 0 || lhs->days == rhs->tm_mday

This occurs on the last day of each month of this year. It
shouldn't be more than an annoyance. There has been a fix:




> Doug Knight
> WSI Corp.
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