On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 11:50, Nikola Ciprich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ahhh.  so you're using drbd8 then?
>> did you need any changes to the RA at all?
> Nope, didn't need to change anything, everything works like a charm :-)
> Unfortunately it seems that fix You proposed has broken things further, now 
> HB doesn't want to start my cloned resources at all.

Thats because the cluster can't promote any drbd instances to master.
The RA seems not to be setting a preference for being promoted (by
calling crm_master)

> I've created new hb report: http://nik.lbox.cz/hbrep2.tar.gz
> But I used 0.6.5 pacemaker with only this particular fix You sent me applied, 
> is it OK?
> Additionaly I may have hit another bug: It already happend to me a few times 
> that after restarting heartbeat cib.xml was empty! This happened to me with 
> 0.6.5 too. I also created hb_report in case it could help: 
> http://nik.lbox.cz/hbrep-vanished-config.tar.gz

I see this in the logs...
Jun 27 09:36:39 vbox3 cib: [13160]: ERROR: write_cib_contents:
/var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml was manually modified while Heartbeat
was active!


> sorry to be so annoying :(

people that take the effort to find bugs and report them are never annoying :-)
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