在 2008-7-2,下午6:48, Nathan Ward 写道:

On 2/07/2008, at 9:34 PM, Patrik Martinsson wrote:

Let´s say i want to change my configration on my ha-cluster server, normally
i would change the config file (in this case then cib.xml) on the
"main-central-server", and then let my "management"-system take care of it, wich i could do here also, in wich case the scenario would be something like

I have this also, using puppet.

I push configuration to all nodes, and then check if the current host is the DC. (cibadmin -m). If so, I load the new XML bits with cibadmin.

I have each component in a separate XML file, so I'm only updating small things at a time instead of reloading my entire CIB.

I'm considering writing something to dump the XML for each component and compare it to the configuration on disk in case the initial load fails for whatever reason, but I'm not that far down the track yet, mostly because I haven't had a problem yet.

Nathan Ward

I have this also, but using GNU cfengine.

I only push cib.xml to all nodes when bootstrap a fresh heartbeat cluster (or recover from crash). Then I use hb_gui/cibadmin to modify cib.xml and apply changes to whole cluster. When I do some change, I let cfengine get cib.xml back to main-central-server and remove some part of this file (<nodes>, <cib ...>) automatically.


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