On 2008-07-15T10:56:44, Paul Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/BCU/apache2 stop
>>> /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/BCU/apache2 start
>> No, not if you're doing monitoring; the cluster will find out and
>> restart the group.
> The group, or just the resource?  In theory, the script should be able to 
> complete within the monitoring interval, so the cluster wouldn't detect the 
> resource was down.

That's lucky, but not guaranteed if the timing is wrong. Certainly you
can do that and not hit the monitor.

>> That will work, unless you have several target_roles defined, possibly
>> as meta_attributes? Newer versions will warn about that, but it's
>> impossible to say without seeing your configuration.
> Should I expect to see something in the log file?  When I executed that 
> command, nothing changed in the GUI and there was no indication in the log 
> that the resource had stopped.  A  ps -ef  confirmed that apache was still 
> running.
> CIB is attached for reference.

If you read the CIB, you will find that you have target_role both as an
instance_ and as a meta_attribute, which is exactly your problem. They
are set to conflicting values and so the cluster's behaviour is
undefined. As I've written - please read ;-) -, newer versions would
warn about this.

In your version, you're better off deleting the instance_attribute (via
crm_resource) and from then on invoking crm_resource with --meta to
modify the meta_attribute instead.

>          <primitive class="ocf" type="apache2" provider="BCU" id="Apache">
>            <instance_attributes id="Apache_instance_attrs">
>              <attributes>
>                <nvpair id="2426053d-19f8-4888-9e2c-e1a369d020fc" 
> name="configfile" value="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf"/>
>              </attributes>
>            </instance_attributes>
>            <meta_attributes id="Apache_meta_attrs">
>              <attributes>
>                <nvpair name="target_role" id="Apache_metaattr_target_role" 
> value="started"/>
>              </attributes>
>            </meta_attributes>
>            <operations>
>              <op name="monitor" interval="5s" start_delay="0" 
> disabled="false" on_fail="restart" id="b5876633-27e6-401b-b7dc-9dc1cef84763" 
> timeout="15s" role="Started"/>
>            </operations>
>            <instance_attributes id="Apache">
>              <attributes>
>                <nvpair name="target_role" id="Apache-target_role" 
> value="stopped"/>
>              </attributes>
>            </instance_attributes>
>          </primitive>


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