On Thursday 21 August 2008 15:00:37 Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:
> On 2008-08-21T14:52:41, Andreas Kurz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Yes, that should work.
> > >
> > > But so would already simple majority quorum; set ignore_quorum="freeze"
>                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > > by default, and when you want one site/node to continue, force it to
> > > "ignore".
> >
> > Hmm ... but 2 node cluster always have quorum or has this behaviour
> > changed?
> They default to using the tiebreaker module. They don't _have_ to use
> it.

Ah yes ... should have read your answer more thorougly, or have another 
coffee ;-) ... thank's Lars for the clarification.


> Regards,
>     Lars

: Andreas Kurz                                   Tel +43-1-8178292-64 :
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