On 2008-09-08T18:04:00, NAKAHIRA Kazutomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying SBD that introduced into the latest lha-2.1 repository.
> In SBD official document(http://www.linux-ha.org/SBD_Fencing),
> watchdog is recommended to be used, but I'm torn between
> enable watchdog using sbd watch command option "-W" and
> enable watchdog using watchdog directive in ha.cf.

I'd suggest to use the sbd one - that's the one you want to definitely
protect in an sbd configuration.

> Please point it out if it is necessary to abolish an existing setting,
> and to use sbd watch command with "-W" option.
> # Or are both configurations needed?

You cannot use both; in that case, it'd continue running until both
fail, which is not recommended.


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