On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 18:47, Thomas Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> <resources>
>>>       <primitive id="ip_resource_1" class="ocf" type="IPaddr"
>>>       provider="heartbeat">
>>>         <instance_attributes id="inst_attr">
>>>           <attributes>
>>>             <nvpair name="ip" value="@VIRTUAL_IP@"  id="vip1"/>
>>>           </attributes>
>>>         </instance_attributes>
>>>       </primitive>
>>>       <primitive id="myscript" class="heartbeat"
>>>       type="myscript-haswitch" provider="heartbeat"/>
>>>     </resources>
>>> so when i just put <group id="some_id"> around these primitives, it
>>> should work out of the box? Both ressources will only always run on the
>>> same node, if that node goes offline another node will manage both
>>> ressources again?
>> Yes.
>> Groups are colocated and ordered by default. That means the cluster
>> decides where the group should run and then starts the resources one
>> after another on that node.
> is possible to tell the group that it's not ordered but only colocated?

yes, but please don't :-)

> just out of curiosity - haven't found any reference on how to do this.
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