
On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 05:09:03PM +0000, Darren Mansell wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I am trying to run a 2 node cluster with 1 shared IP for Tomcat. This
> works fine until I set the monitor operation inside the Tomcat resource
> where the CRM keeps trying to restart Tomcat over and over infinitely.
> Without the monitor operation in the CIB it won't keep trying to restart
> Tomcat but if I stop it manually it doesn't automatically get started
> again.
> I tried the tomcat OCF RA but there are lots of incorrect values hard
> coded in so I edited up an init script to what I thought was LSB
> compatible.

It should be fixed then. Can you provide a list of stuff which is
wrong on your platform/distribution?



> This is the init script:
> #!/bin/sh                                                                     
> # description: Start or stop the Tomcat server                                
> #                                                                             
> ### BEGIN INIT INFO                                                           
> # Provides: tomcat                                                            
> # Required-Start: $network $syslog                                            
> # Required-Stop: $network
> # Default-Start: 3
> # Default-Stop: 0
> # Description: Start or stop the Tomcat server
> NAME=tomcat
> export JRE_HOME=/opt/java
> export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/$NAME
> export CATALINA_BASE=/opt/$NAME
> export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java
> check_running() {
>         NAME=$1
>         LINES=`ps -ef | grep java | grep opt | grep $NAME | grep -v grep | wc 
> -l `
>         [ $LINES -gt 0 ] && echo "yes"
> }
> case "$1" in
> 'start')
>         RUNNING=`check_running $NAME`
>         [ "$RUNNING" ] && exit 0
>         if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh ];
>                 then
>                         echo $"Starting Tomcat"
>                         $CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh
>         fi
>         ;;
> 'stop')
>         RUNNING=`check_running $NAME`
>         [ ! "$RUNNING" ] && exit 0
>         if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/shutdown.sh ];
>                 then
>                         echo $"Stopping Tomcat"
>                         $CATALINA_HOME/bin/shutdown.sh
>         fi
>         ;;
> 'restart')
>         $0 stop
>         sleep 15
>         $0 start
>         ;;
> 'status')
>         RUNNING=`check_running $NAME`
>         [ "$RUNNING" ] && exit 0 || exit 1;;
> *)
>         echo
>         echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
>         echo
>         exit 1;;
> esac
> exit $RETVAL
> This is my cib.xml
>  <cib generated="true" admin_epoch="0" have_quorum="true" ignore_dtd="false" 
> num_peers="2" cib_feature_revision="1.3" crm_feature_set="2.0" epoch="125" 
> num_updates="82" cib-last-written="Wed Dec  3 16:45:56 2008" 
> ccm_transition="2" dc_uuid="ae4489bf-2c5d-4cfd-bf81-5e25b11932eb">            
>    <configuration>                                                            
>      <crm_config>                                                             
>        <cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options">                      
>          <attributes>                                                         
>            <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-dc-version" name="dc-version" 
> value="2.1.3-node: a3184d5240c6e7032aef9cce6e5b7752ded544b3"/>                
>          </attributes>                                                        
>        </cluster_property_set>                                                
>      </crm_config>                                                            
>      <nodes>                                                                  
>        <node id="7e9a5233-d24c-441f-9f14-03352172f08b" uname="hs-node2" 
> type="normal"/>                                                               
>        <node id="ae4489bf-2c5d-4cfd-bf81-5e25b11932eb" uname="hs-node1" 
> type="normal"/>                                                               
>      </nodes>                                                                 
>      <resources>                                                              
>        <clone id="tomcat">                                                    
>          <instance_attributes id="5908d3eb-7d48-4c7d-bcca-9020f8eadc87">      
>            <attributes>                                                       
>              <nvpair name="clone_max" value="2" 
> id="19a0d76d-9697-4d19-8990-0f098d299a4f"/>                                   
>              <nvpair name="clone_node_max" value="1" 
> id="de765b64-ece4-4c19-9659-13e20b60d9bb"/>                                   
>            </attributes>                                                      
>          </instance_attributes>                                               
>          <group id="tomcat_group">                                            
>            <primitive id="ip_1" class="ocf" type="IPaddr" 
> provider="heartbeat">                                                         
>              <instance_attributes id="e79760a4-c715-477a-a4b7-85eab9bf9ae9">  
>                <attributes>                                                   
>                  <nvpair name="ip" value="" 
> id="07540941-f4f8-4bd0-ac78-7d62f212145a"/>                                   
>                </attributes>                                                  
>              </instance_attributes>                                           
>            </primitive>                                                       
>            <primitive id="tomcat_1" class="lsb" type="tomcat" 
> provider="heartbeat">                                                         
>              <operations>                                                     
>                <op id="monitor_tomcat" interval="120s" name="monitor" 
> timeout="60s"/>                                                               
>              </operations>                                                    
>            </primitive>                                                       
>          </group>                                                             
>        </clone>                                                               
>      </resources>                                                             
>      <constraints/>                                                           
>    </configuration>
> This is the ha.cf:
> udpport 694
> autojoin none
> crm true
> ucast eth0
> ucast eth0
> node hs-node1
> node hs-node2
> respawn root /sbin/evmsd
> apiauth evms uid=hacluster,root
> This is what crm_mon says:
> ============
> Last updated: Wed Dec  3 17:26:47 2008
> Current DC: hs-node1 (ae4489bf-2c5d-4cfd-bf81-5e25b11932eb)
> 2 Nodes configured.
> 1 Resources configured.
> ============
> Node: hs-node2 (7e9a5233-d24c-441f-9f14-03352172f08b): online
> Node: hs-node1 (ae4489bf-2c5d-4cfd-bf81-5e25b11932eb): online
> Clone Set: tomcat
>     Resource Group: tomcat_group:0
>         ip_1:0  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):        Started hs-node2
>         tomcat_1:0      (lsb:tomcat):   Started hs-node2 FAILED
>     Resource Group: tomcat_group:1
>         ip_1:1  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr):        Started hs-node1
>         tomcat_1:1      (lsb:tomcat):   Stopped
> Failed actions:
>     tomcat_1:0_monitor_120000 (node=hs-node2, call=809, rc=7): complete
> It was working but suddenly stopped and I have no idea why. If anyone could 
> provide any pointers that would be great. I'm using:
> SLES 10 SP2
> Heartbeat 2.1.3
> Thanks
> Darren Mansell
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