On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 4:55 AM, Michael Schwartzkopff <mi...@multinet.de>wrote:

> Fajar Priyanto schrieb:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Michael Schwartzkopff wrote:
>>> as far as I know only one book is available. See:
>>> http://www.oreilly.de/catalog/linuxhaclusterger/
>>> Sorry, it is on German. But if you call O'Reilly or write them an email,
>>> perhaps they decide to translate it.
>> Hi Michael,
>> Why is it not in English in the first place? I'm sure it will reach much
>> broader reader? I see the Table of contents and looks good. I can guess
>> some of the sentences, but still...
> Hi,
> because I had the contract with German O'Reilly and it seems that O'Reilly
> USA is not able to decide to translate the book although it sells quite good
> here in Germany. So if all people, which wrote me personally a mail about
> that problem would also send their complaints to O'Reilly perhaps it would
> help to speed up the decision making.
> Michael.
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Do you have the name of someone in particular at O'Reilly that we should
complain to?

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