
Thank you much.   Adding "resource-stickiness" and getting rid of the 
constraint helped a lot.  The resources does not go back to Nomen anymore when 
it's heartbeat is started again  (resources stays with Rubric).  However, the 
resources still gets bounced once Nomen joins the cluster.  Is there any way to 
keep the resources from bouncing when Nomen rejoins the cluster?

I have also observed another issue.  As you have seen in my cib.xml, I have 
created a group called Directory_Server.  In this group, there are three 
resources, namely:  VIP, ECAS and FDS_Admin.  If I manually turn off any of 
these resources, I would like the group resource, Directory_Server, to failover 
to the other node.  Is there a configuration that will do this?  Currently, if 
one of three resources goes down it stays down and the rest continues running.  
All three resources will need to be up and running for our applications to work 

To answer your question...

"Also due to your rsc_location. The resource is where you configured it
(on nomen), so why move it around?"

I added rsc_location in the configuration as I was trying to follow the sample 
ActivePassive configuration.

I have been moving resources around because I am testing HA thoroughly before I 
implement it in our production environment.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Dominik Klein
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:16 PM
To: General Linux-HA mailing list
Subject: Re: [Linux-HA] Failover not working as I expected

Hi Jerome

> The name of the servers are as follows:  Nomen and Rubric.  
> Let us start when Nomen owns all resources and its status states 
> "running(dc)".  When I stop heartbeat on Nomen, Rubric takes over all the 
> resources and its status turns into "running(dc)".  This is good as this is 
> what I had hoped that it will do.
> When I start heartbeat back on Nomen, it takes all the resource away from 
> Rubric.  However, it leaves Rubric in "running(dc)" status and Nomen's status 
> just states "running".  There are two issues here that I see.
> 1)  I do not want Nomen to take the resources as this means that the 
> resources will be bounced.

This happens because of your rsc_location constraint. You normally want
your resource to be on "nomen", so if the cluster can, it will run it there.

<rsc_location id="fdstest" rsc="Directory_Server">
<rule id="prefered_fdstest" score="100" boolean_op="or">
<expression attribute="#uname" id="9e5698e0-8b07-43aa-b852-398fbe6bb909"
operation="eq" value=""/>

If you want the resource to stick to its current location even when the
preferred node comes back, look into the meta-attribute
"resource-stickiness". Read

> 2)  I would like to have the Quorum or "running(dc)" where the resources are.

You can't move the dc role manually. And you do not have to bother which
machine is the dc. It is totally fine having resources on a node which
is not the dc.

The current dc stays dc until it is shutdown or separated from the
cluster in some manner.

> To continue, when I stop heartbeat on Rubric, the "running(dc)" status goes 
> over to Nomen. I then start heartbeat in Rubric and all resources as well as 
> the "running(dc)" stays with Nomen.  Moreover, the resources are not bounced 
> at all.

Also due to your rsc_location. The resource is where you configured it
(on nomen), so why move it around?

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