Just a follow up - the backport of lenny to etch http://www.backports.org
fixed this bug. So the ccm issue has been fixed between version 2.0.7 and 

I could even use my configuration from 2.0.7 and it worked, however there seems 
to be a minor issue with ucast entries in ha.cf not working, but only mcast. 
I.e. i use ucast eth0 otherNodeIP on 2 servers but crm_mon doesnt seem to list 
2 ips only the node of the server crm_mon is executed, with mcast both nodes 
are shown with crm_mon on each server.

--- On Tue, 2/10/09, Harakiri <harakiri...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: Harakiri <harakiri...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: [Linux-HA] Which Version fixed the Split Brain bug with ccm /crm_mon?
> To: "General Linux-HA mailing list" <linux-ha@lists.linux-ha.org>
> Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 7:19 AM
> Hi,
> im refering to this post
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/linuxha/users/42389#42389
> on debian etch heartbeat-2 2.0.7-2 is included
> with this version i have the reproduceable issue that after
> a split brain i.e.
> 1. Both Nodes show online in crm_mon on both hosts
> 2. Remove Network Cable or use iptables to block heartbeat
> udp port
> 3. Node a) will show Node b as offline and vice versa, node
> a will now manage ressource_X and node b too - which is
> correct 
> 4. After repairing the network - node a and b will still
> show the other node as offline, you will see messages as
> (XXX host ignored).
> The latest post above indiciated that this bug has been
> fixed, but i need to know in which version. I could upgrade
> my systems to lenny - which now use heartbeat-2
> 2.1.3-6lenny0 - i was not able to test it yet if that works.
> If it does not - what version is at least required for this
> bugfix - im having a hard time using a non standard
> heartbeat version on my debian systems.
> Thank you
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